雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 黑膠唱片收購 相關

  2. 全港最大實體店,免費上門估價、收購各類型古董、字畫、黃花䔧、紫檀、酸枝家具、CD碟、黑膠碟等. 另提供質量上乘的古玩及古董傢俬,歡迎查詢: 9242 7177 何生。位於北角渣華道19號地鋪。


  1. thegrandbuffet.hk › wp-content › uploadsWeekday Tea Buffet Menu

    自家製X.O.醬豚肉炒腸粉 Assorted Dim Sum Basket 精選點心拼盤 (蝦餃, 燒賣, 瑤柱珍珠雞, 金鉤蕹蔔糕, 班蘭豆蓉包) Dessert Buffet of the Day 精選自助甜品 Freshly Brewed Coffee or Tea 即磨咖啡或茶 每位HK$ 188 / per person (Price is subject to 10%

  2. (H) Healthy (V) Vegetarian Festival Tea Buffet Menu (available for 26 Dec 2019 & 1 Jan 2020 from 15:15 – 17:15) Appetizer 自選前菜 Quinoa Salad with Barley and Wild Mushrooms (V) 藜麥薏米雜菌沙律 Chicken Salad with Orange and Pomegranate (H) 香橙石榴籽

  3. thegrandbuffet.hk › wp-content › uploadsWeekend Tea Buffet Menu

    (H) Healthy (V) Vegetarian Weekend Tea Buffet Menu (available on Saturday and Sunday except Public Holiday, from 15:15 – 17:15) Appetizer 自選前菜 Quinoa Salad with Barley and Wild Mushrooms (V) 藜麥薏米雜菌沙律 Chicken Salad with Orange and

  4. thegrandbuffet.hk › wp-content › uploads18:00

    62/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心62樓 Tel: (852) 2506 0888 / 2506 0666 Fax: (852) 2506 0323 Website: www.thegrandbuffet.hk E-mail: enquiry@grandbuffet.hk The Grand Buffet Takeaway

  5. The Grand Buffet Takeaway Menu Order Form 自助山外攜餐單訂購表格 TAKEAWAY CUISINE 外攜美食 (Available from 7 Dec 2020 – 31 Jan 2021 供應期由12 月7 日至1 月31 日) PRICE 售價 QUANTITY 數量 AMOUNT 金額 以優惠價錢追加以下選擇 ADDITIONAL

  6. The Grand Buffet Takeaway Menu Order Form 自助山外攜餐單訂購表格 Please fill in this form and return to us by email enquiry@grandbuffet.hk or WhatsApp (852) 5182 3639 or Fax (852) 2506 0323 to place the order. Order details with an online payment link will

  7. thegrandbuffet.hk › wp-content › uploadsThe Grand Noodle Menu

    THE GRAND STEAK in the Sky with 360 Revolving Harbour View 午餐套餐餐牌 $1088 兩位用 ($498 附加一位) ($358 小童3 至11 歲) (包括有自助沙律吧, 主菜, 配菜, 自助甜品吧及咖啡或茶) 自助沙律吧 追加頭盤 冷盤 雞尾酒大蝦 (4pcs) +$140 “The Grand