雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 有利條件 to have the advantage of a good education 具有受過良好教育的有利條件
    • 2. 有利地位 to be at an or in a position of advantage 處於有利地位


  2. B1 [ C or U ] a condition giving a greater chance of success. 有利條件,有利因素;優勢;好處. advantage of doing sthThe advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.提前訂票的好處就是可以得到比較好的座位。. advantages of sthDespite the twin advantages of wealth and beauty, she did not ...

  3. ADVANTAGE的意思解釋及翻譯1. a condition giving a greater chance of success: 2. to use the good things in a situation: 3…。了解更多。

  4. advantage noun [C, U] (USEFUL THING) B1. something good about a situation that helps you: One of the advantages of living in town is having the shops so near. 更多範例. There are a lot of advantages to this job. A little experience is a definite advantage. I had the advantage of having done something fairly similar before.

  5. 1. 有利于,有益于,有助于. n. 1. something that makes one person or thing more likely to succeed than others; a good feature or quality that something has; benefit to yourself. 2. used for saying the name of a player in tennis who wins the point after deuce. 1. 优势.

  6. ADVANTAGE翻译有利条件,有利因素;优势;好处, (网球中的)局末平分后占先,优势分。. 了解更多。.

  7. ADVANTAGE翻译:有利條件,有利因素;優勢;好處, (網球中的)局末平分後佔先,優勢分。. 了解更多。.

  8. 有利條件,優點,優勢[C][U][(+over)] He had the advantage of a good education. 他具備受過良好教育的優勢。 2. 利益,好處[C][U] What is the advantage of using nuclear power? 使用核能有何好處? 3. (網球賽中的)優勢分[U]

  9. 名詞. 優點, 有利條件. "advantage" 例句. Being tall is a huge advantage in basketball. 身材高大是打籃球的一大優勢。. There are a lot of advantages to being bilingual. 會說兩種語言有很多優勢。. One advantage of working at home is the low travel expense. 在家工作其中一個優點是可以節省通勤花費。.

  10. advantage, benefit, interest, favour, profit, gain 这些名词均有"利益,好处"之意。advantage :指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方弱点而获得利益与好处。benefit :普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。

  11. advantage n 1: the quality of having a superior or more favorable position; "the experience gave him the advantage over me" [syn: {advantage}, {vantage}] [ant: {disadvantage}] 2: (tennis) first point scored after deuce 3: benefit resulting from some event or

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