雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 主頁 - Agency for Volunteer Service 義務工作發展局. 歡迎新手義工參與賽馬會眾心行善」義工系列服務. 歡迎有興趣參與義務工作的人士及團體加入「香港義工團」 香港賽馬會社區資助計劃 - 專才義工網. 歡迎非牟利社福機構與慈善團體透過「行義香港」招募人才. 歡迎新手義工參與「賽馬會眾心行善」義工系列服務. 歡迎有興趣參與義務工作的人士及團體加入「香港義工團」 關於「行義香港」網站. 義務工作發展局於2021年推出全新的數碼平台 -- 「行義香港」網站,讓個人或團體義工享用一站式的義工登記、招募、配對及管理服務。 最新活動. 活動項目. Miracle Summer! 2024 青年行義計劃. %

  2. Agency for Volunteer Service ("AVS") founded in 1970, is a non profit organization with charity status mainly financed by funds from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, The Community Chest of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and public and private donations. Learn More.

  3. AVS mobilizes volunteer service. It offers referral service for those who wish to volunteer and supports organizations requiring the service of volunteers. Interested individuals and organizations are welcome to register as a member of AVS Hong Kong Community Volunteers.

  4. 義工局提供義工轉介服務,為市民安排義務工作機會,亦為需要義工協助的機構招募合適人選;並與各界夥伴合作,策劃切合社會需要和具成效的義工服務計劃;同時成立「專才義工網」服務隊,善用義工專長和技能而,為非牟利機構及弱勢社群,提供優質專業義工服務。 義工局致力深化義務工作精神,提升義工服務質素和成效,成立「香港義工學院」,舉辦不同類型的訓練課程予義工、義工領袖及義工管理人員,並提供專業顧問服務及出版義務工作參考資料和教材,推動優質義工服務。 義工局制訂《香港義工約章》及實務參考指引,為義工、義工領袖和任用義工人士提供義工服務指引和準則,以提高義工服務的質素。

  5. 602, Duke of Windsor Social Service Bldg., 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Tel:2527 3825. Fax:2866 2721. Email - Head Office:avs@avs.org.hk. Email - Fundraising & Promotion Department:frp@avs.org.hk.

  6. 为拓展义务工作范畴,义工局与各界伙伴合作,策划切合社会需要和具成效的义工服务计划,如大型项目「世贸组织香港部长级会议」、「世界电讯展」、「 全城”喜”义关怀大行动 」、「 香港2009东亚运动会 」及「香港移植运动会」等。. 为善用义工专长和 ...

  7. Agency for Volunteer Service is dedicated to playing a proactive and pivotal role in the promotion and development of sustainable volunteerism, and to develop partnership with all sectors of the community to provide value added and quality volunteer service.

  8. Agency for Volunteer Service (AVS) founded in 1970, is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to playing a pivotal role in the promotion of sustainable volunteerism, and to develop...

  9. About us. To improve the learning environment of the needy students in Mainland China; To provide proper service opportunities for volunteers in Hong Kong to serve the disadvantaged children in...

  10. To develop partnership with all sectors of the community to mobilize and facilitate individuals, groups and organizations to provide value added and quality volunteer service.

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