雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Since 1853, AIGLE the French lifestyle fashion brand has cultivated a unique sense of craftsmanship, represented by our iconic boots Made in France from natural rubber. Our clothing and accessories are designed for everyday life which are function and fashionable.

  2. From timeless black rain boots to chic Chelsea rain boots and even dressy heeled rain boots - gloomy weather and grey skies don't need to mean a compromise on style. We take a look at the best rain boots for women that can become a wardrobe staple whatever the weather.

  3. 2024年6月21日 · Rain Boots 雨靴 防水鞋. 如果強調功能的防水鞋,也能穿出時尚感你說多好! 雨靴、雨鞋也有超高的可塑性,除了經典的水鞋牌子如 Aigle、Palladium、Hunter,不少時尚品牌如 Chanel、Balenciaga 也摻了一腳推出功能設計兼具的防水鞋。 以下有編輯精選 20+ 款雨靴推薦,事不宜遲立即到各大香港雨靴門市店舖入手吧。 ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUE READING BELOW. Photo: Getty Images. 1 時尚女生最愛雨靴 Chanel.

  4. Aigle雨靴堅持人手製作. 法國雨靴品牌代表有誕生於1853年的Aigle,百年來堅持人手製作,傳承法式品味。 Photo:Instagram@@aiglehk. 《摸心第六感》韓志旼40歲演高中生少女零違和? 零負評最美女星減齡穿搭學起來. 台灣翹臀女神Jessicababyfat教你揀適合Sports Bra及運動leggings! 2023女裝運動服推介. Macadames雨靴以Rock & Roll為設計主題,於法國Châtellerault工廠人手製造,重疊處不留縫隙,100%防水。 原材料為非洲進口天然橡膠,內層採用快乾抗菌的聚脂胺纖維。 順帶一提,現在不少運動品牌也積極開發功能性與時尚兼備的運動雨鞋。 Macadames黑色橡膠雨靴 $1,480.

  5. DFT is a propriety fabric of Aigle that moves moisture and sweat away from the skin to the outer surface of the fabric where it can easily evaporate. The removal and evaporation of sweat and excess moisture helps to keep you dry and comfortable.。 COMFORTABLE. Comfortable, easy to wear. AIGLE FOR TOMORROW. WOMEN RUBBER BOOTS. HKD$1,880.00.

  6. Aigle has the edge when it comes to women's rain boots in both performance and style. Utterly chic and with a discreetly rugged outer sole, these boots can carry you through any weather for years to come.

  7. 2022年1月19日 · AIGLE 春夏最新航海旗語系列,由品牌的經典航海系列中得到靈感,設計出一系列適合都會穿搭的男女商品,充滿海洋風的航海旗語各代表著一個英文字母,巴黎設計師使用旗語標誌大玩創意,並以鮮艷色彩與活潑的拼接設計,款式年輕時尚且具有個性風格,既有設計感且具機能性,帶領喜愛法式戶外休閒風格的潮流男女,重溫經典航海時光。 熱門推薦. Entertainment. Katy Perry新歌MV遭網爆! 專輯尚未正式推出就獲網友嚴厲指教:「這是我今年聽過最差的歌」 By Yi Chang, Vogue Taiwan. Fashion. 「塑膠涼鞋」成時尚趨勢? 芭蕾舞鞋和果凍鞋的合體,法版VOGUE力推夏季必備. By Asia Bieuville. Entertainment.

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