雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Alstonia scholaris, commonly called blackboard tree, scholar tree, milkwood or devil's tree in English, [3] is an evergreen tropical tree in the dogbane family (Apocynaceae). It is native to southern China, tropical Asia (mainly the Indian subcontinent and ) and .

  2. 糖胶树(学名: Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br.)是夹竹桃科鸡骨常山属乔木,茎干较高,具乳汁,光滑无毛,呈圆柱形,灰褐色;叶子较大,呈长圆形,表面有纹络,深绿色;花白色,呈多边形,被柔毛;种子长圆形;花期6-11月;果期10月至次年4月; [6] 原产于

  3. 花:. 花白色,多朵组成稠密的聚伞花序,顶生,被柔毛;总花梗长4-7厘米;花梗长约1毫米;花冠高脚碟状,花冠筒长6-10毫米,中部以上膨大,内面被柔毛,裂片在花蕾时或裂片基部向左覆盖,长圆形或卵状长圆形,长2-4毫米,宽2-3毫米;雄蕊长圆形,长约1 ...

  4. Description and Ethnobotany. Medium to large tree, usually up to 20m tall and 10m wide in urban setting, reaching 50 (-60)m height in native habitat. Crown pagoda-shaped, tiered, denser and rounded when mature. Bark pale brown, smooth - scaly, with large horizontal lenticels, peeling off in rectangular flakes.

  5. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br. Alstonia scholaris. First published in Asclepiadeae: 64 (1810) This species is accepted. The native range of this species is Tropical & Subtropical Asia to N. Australia. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. Taxonomy.

  6. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › AlstoniaAlstonia - Wikipedia

    Alstonia is a widespread genus of evergreen trees and shrubs, of the family Apocynaceae. It was named by Robert Brown in 1811, after Charles Alston (1685–1760), professor of botany at Edinburgh from 1716 to 1760. The type species Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br. was originally named Echites scholaris by Linnaeus in 1767.

  7. 花期:6-11月。 果期:10月至翌年5月。 产地:仙湖植物园(科技部 2834)、东湖公园(深圳考察队 1751),深圳各公园、道路、公共绿地和庭院常见栽培。 分布:原产于中国(广西西南部和云南南部)、印度、斯里兰卡、尼泊尔、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨、越南、马来西亚、菲律宾、巴布亚新几内亚及澳大利亚。 我国台湾、福建、广东、香港、澳门、海南、广西、湖南及云南均有栽培。 用途:为优良的园林风景树和行道树。 乳汁是制作口香糖的原料,故名“糖胶树”。 图 150 糖胶树 Alstonia scholaris.

  8. 2021年7月30日 · Alstonia scholaris: The plant has been investigated as a source of biocrude and solid fuel (Sharma and Prasad 1986), alternative energy (Augustus et al. 2003), and isoprene emission (Padhy and Varshney 2005). The tree is still being overharvested in the past for timber in Malaysia and adjoining countries.

  9. 糖胶树. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. >> 第63卷 >> 夹竹桃科 Apocynaceae >> 鸡骨常山属 Alstonia. 2.糖胶树(广西)灯架树(广东);鹰爪木、象皮木、九度叶、英台木、金瓜南木皮、面架木、肥猪叶(广西);吃力秀(云南少数民族语);阿根木、鸭脚木、灯台树、理肺散、大树理肺散、大矮陀陀、大树矮陀陀(云南);买担别(傣语);大枯树(广西、云南);面条树(云南、广西、广东)图版30.

  10. 2020年4月22日 · A tall [aut] evergreen tree widely cultivated throughout India and also found in China, Africa, southeast Asia, Latin America, and Australia. The bark is reputed in Hindu medicine for ages as tonic, alterative, useful in fever and skin diseases, a remedy in chronic...

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