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    • 安裝/重新安裝 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages。Windows 上的多個應用程序需要 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages(一組運行時組件)才能正常運行。
    • 安裝。網絡框架。許多應用程序需要特定版本的。NET 框架來運行。如果您嘗試訪問的應用程序需要一個。NET 框架版本過時或丟失,它可能會導致錯誤。安裝/重新安裝。
    • 安裝DirectX。如果目標應用程序與系統上安裝的 DirectX 版本之間存在兼容性問題,也會出現此問題。DirectX 是應用程序編程接口 (API) 的集合,允許系統與多媒體設備(如聲卡、圖形卡和遊戲控制器)進行通信。
    • 以管理員身份運行應用程序。目標應用程序也可能由於權限不足或對正常運行所需的某些文件的訪問權限不足而無法啟動。為確保應用程序有足夠的權限運行,請嘗試以管理員身份運行它。
  1. [控制台] 中的修復選項. 在工作列的搜尋方塊中,輸入 「控制台」,然後從結果中選取 「控制台」。 選取 [程式] > [程式和功能]。 以滑鼠右鍵按一下您要修正的程式,並選取 [修復],或如果沒有這個選項,請選取 [變更]。 然後依照畫面上的指示進行。 如需更多的提示,請參閱 修復 Office 應用程式。 您也可以 移除應用程式或程式。 在 [控制台] 中修復程式。

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  3. Download Pc Apps For Windows 7. Free and safe download. Download the latest version of the top software, games, programs and apps in 2024.

  4. 2022年8月22日 · 总结: 1、出现0xc000007b——应用程序无法正常启动. 其根本原因是缺乏所需要的DLL,提供了错误版本的dll相当于没有DLL, 提示完全一样. 2、网上有人说缺乏dx运行环境,如果属实,也是因为缺乏dx相关的dll. 所以根本原因,在低一点. 3、与程序是32还是64位没有直接关系,但是与你的程序对应不上的dll版本,往往很难发现问题,要引起注意. 4、网上的资料,太粗糙了,流于表面,大家要有分辨能力。 5、发布的时候,需要vc或mfc环境,到你的开发工具的目录的redist目录去找就可以,取系统目录找就不对了. 所以,以后碰到这个错误,就不需要茫然了, 肯定是缺乏dll或者dll版本不对。 文章浏览阅读6.3w次,点赞32次,收藏41次。

    • Overview
    • Adding or Removing Files from the Startup Folder
    • Changing Existing Startup Items via MSConfig
    • Changing Startup Settings in the Program
    • Identifying Startup Programs

    Customize your Windows startup programs with this easy-to-follow guide

    Do you want (or not want) certain programs to start automatically when you boot up your Windows 7 PC? It's surprisingly easy to customize your startup programs in Windows 7, and you have a few different options. To change startup programs, you can add programs to (or remove programs from) the Startup folder in the Start menu, edit startup apps with MSConfig, or choose a different startup setting in the program itself. This wikiHow guide will teach you the easiest ways to change startup programs on your Windows 7 computer.

    Change startup programs in Windows 7 by dragging them into (or out of) the Startup folder in the Start menu.

    You can also use the MSConfig (System Configuration) tool to enable or disable startup programs.

    Find the Startup folder in your Start menu.

    Click the Windows "Start" button, select "'All Programs'", and then scroll to the folder called "Startup."

    Right-click the Startup folder and select

    This opens a folder in

    that contains programs that start automatically when you sign into Windows 7.

    If you want to change the startup programs for

    This tool allows you to see all of your system's startup applications and disable them as needed. To open it, click the Windows "Start" button, type msconfig, and then click "'MSConfig'" in the search results.

    While you can disable startup programs with MSConfig, you won't be able to add new programs to the list.

    Before making changes that you are unsure of, use

    to create a "restore point" that you can revert to if something goes wrong.

    This gives you a view of the programs installed as startup options on your computer.

    Note that not all startup items will be shown.

    Open the program you want to start (or not start) automatically.

    Depending on the program, you may be able to choose whether it starts automatically when you sign in to Windows 7 from within the program's own settings.

    Go to the program's settings.

    You'll usually find settings in a menu called

    For example, in Skype, click your profile photo and go to

    Find the app's startup settings.

    Check the manufacturer name in MSConfig.

    Many startup items have somewhat descriptive names, but others are obscure abbreviations and have functions that are difficult to identify. If you see a startup program you don't recognize when using MSConfig, you can see the name of its developer in the "Manufacturer" column.

    For example, if the manufacturer is Microsoft, the startup program is related to Windows, Office, or other Microsoft programs.

    View the startup program's location.

    Seeing the name of the folder the startup program runs from will be helpful in finding out what the program does.

    If you're using the Startup folder method, right-click the startup program and select "'Properties'". On the "'Shortcut'" tab, you'll find the path to the program next to "Start in."

  5. 2023年9月21日 · But if you can't upgrade to Windows 10, you can still install applications manually by downloading app installers directly from developers. This wikiHow teaches you how to install an app on your Windows 7 PC.

  6. 2020年11月29日 · Windows 7 如何卸载或删除应用和程序,我教你. 张工. Windows 7 中卸载未使用或不需要的程序,以便所有相关文件、设置和注册条目也会被删除?. 卸载程序 几乎所有当前适用于 Windows 7 的应用程序都使用安装程序(如 Windows Installer)在系统中安装和定位应用 ...

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