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    IPA [əˈpreɪzl]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 評價 to make an appraisal of sth. 評價某事物
  2. 1. Develops successful [ PR ] strategies such as [ task ] that results in [ results ] ( 策劃的 [ 公關 ] 策略 [ 列舉策略及當中的工作 ] 非常成功,取得理想效果 [ 列舉所取得的成效 ] ) 2. Displays consistent productivity improvement ( 工作生產力不斷提升 ) 3. Establishes effective systems for [information ...

  3. APPRAISAL翻譯:評定;鑒定;估價;評價, (工作/業績)鑒定。了解更多。

  4. 2024年6月5日 · Appraisal丨例句︰「個人成就 Achievement」. 1. Improved overall productivity levels and achieved the goal [include specific goal] that set in [the specific period]. 提高整體工作效率,達到 [特定時期]中設定的目標 [包括特定目標]。. 2. Provides strong evidence of [specific project/ target accomplishment] with ...

  5. 2024年5月21日 · 打工仔在做Appraisal有甚麼「不能做的事」,或是容易踩地雷的地方? A︰前 人力資源 主管,兼人才招聘諮詢公司Work Friendly的創辦人Celia Balson早前分享了3個打工仔在Appraisal時常犯的錯誤,各位不妨多作參考,小心不要讓上司對你壞印象。

  6. the act of examining someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success, or needs. 评定;鉴定;估价;评价. The newspaper gave an editorial appraisal of the government's achievements of the past year. 这家报纸发表社论,对政府在过去一年的业绩作出评价。. 同义词.

  7. 2018年12月11日 · 30句示範例句!. 撰文:曾凱茵. 出版: 2018-12-11 13:28 更新:2018-12-11 13:28. 一周一度的 appraisal又殺到,雖說這是一次爭取升職加薪的機會,但如何在上司面前肯定自己過去一年的表現,其實滿有難度。. 特別是在自我評核的一部分,有些公司要求員工要 ...

  8. APPRAISAL的意思解釋及翻譯:1. the act of examining someone or something in order to judge their or its qualities, success, or…。了解更多。

  9. appraisal ( 可數 不可數 ,複數 appraisals) 評估 , 評價. 2020, Brit Bennett, The Vanishing Half, Dialogue Books,頁號 47: She hated that silent appraisal, watching someone compare her to a version that she might have been. (請為本引文添加中文翻譯).

  10. appraisal. 显示所有例句. n. 1. 评价;估价;估计;鉴定 a judgement of the value, performance or nature of sb/sth. 2. (上司对雇员的)工作鉴定会;工作表现评估 a meeting in which an employee discusses with their manager how well they have been doing their job; the system of holding such meetings.

  11. Three basic appraisal methods acknowledged by the international are cost approach, income approach and market approach. 国际公认的资产评估三大基本方法是市场法、收益法 、 成本法,我国评估实践中较少使用市场法,这其中虽然有各种原因,然而市场法还是具有广阔的应用前景. 期刊摘选. All ...

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