雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年9月15日 · The relevant procedure comprises the following three phases: (1) the management to advise and counsel the officer in question; (2) the management to call for special appraisal report (s) on that officer and issue him/her a forewarning (i.e. if his/her work performance remains at a sub-standard level during an observation period, the management m...

  2. Performance objectives are set at the beginning of the performance management cycle through open discussion between the supervisors and the appraisees. Progress is monitored regularly and feedback from staff and supervisors is collated to help clarify objectives and output expectation; and to enhance performance.

  3. 2016年6月14日 · 很久之前談升職時,提過公務員每年考核報告(Appraisal)與升職的關係(見另文),已經略談當中的分級和大致程序,這次針對當中會出現的情況,談多一點,特別是當出現意見分歧的時候。

  4. 2023年11月30日 · The purpose of performance appraisal is to review, reinforce, monitor and record an officer's progress; to facilitate the selection of officers for promotion; to assist in the manpower planning process; and to help identify the training and development needs of staff.

  5. 2021年10月27日 · To ensure that the appraisal results can truly reflect civil servants' actual work performance, departmental supervisors should assess staff performance based on a continuous cycle. Apart from an overall rating, the appraisal reports also cover assessment on staff

  6. In general, these officers received a fifth or sixth-level overall rating on a six-level performance scale in an appraisal report, or two fourth-level overall ratings in two consecutive appraisal reports.

  7. To this end, performance appraisal is an essential tool to support and assist in staff development. Late completion of performance appraisals undermines this very purpose and deprives officers of an early opportunity of being apprised of their strengths and where

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