雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. Arbitration Ordinance T-30 Cap. 609 An Ordinance to reform the law relating to arbitration, and to provide for related and consequential matters. [1 June 2011] L.N. 38 of 2011 (Enacting provision omitted E.R. 2 of 2014) Part 1 Preliminary 1. Short title (1) (2) (3) ...

  3. The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance. Arbitration in Hong Kong is governed by the Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 609 of the Laws of Hong Kong) effective from 1 June 2011. It replaces the previous arbitration statute (Arbitration Ordinance Cap. 341), originally enacted in 1963 and amended in 1982 and 1990, which was based on a split regime ...

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  5. The Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 609) (“the Ordinance”) expressly allows the use of third party funding of arbitration (“TPFA”) and ORFSA in addition to the traditional fee arrangements. For more information on amendments to the Ordinance, please refer to the tab “Comprehensive Legislative Framework on Arbitration” above.

  6. An Ordinance to amend the Arbitration Ordinance and the Legal Practitioners Ordinance to provide that certain agreements using outcome related fee structures for arbitration are not

  7. 香港仲裁條例. 在香港仲裁受2011年6月1日生效的 《香港仲裁條例》(香港法律第609章) 管轄。 此條例取代了以前的《仲裁條例 341章》。 舊條例是1963年制定並於1982年和1990年修訂,採取了兩分制度,即以1985年UNCITRAL示範法為基礎的國際仲裁和以英國1950年仲裁法為基礎的本地仲裁。 早自1996年,香港國際仲裁中心就獨自,或和香港本地的其他仲裁組織一道,建議修改第341章,用以示範法為基礎的統一制度取代國際仲裁和本地仲裁兩分的制度。 香港政府和律政司聽取了這一建議,並於2009年出臺了以示範法為基礎的統一的仲裁法案的草稿。

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