雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月22日 · 沙灘烤肉趣. 在「東京臨海廣域防災公園」內的「SONA AREA東京BBQ庭園」,只要有2人以上的團體預約場地,業者就會備齊烤肉時所需的用具與食材,不必特別準備就能輕鬆燒烤自己喜愛的肉品與蔬菜。 另外,在豐洲的「THE BBQ BEACH in TOYOSU」,遊客可在舒適的木棧平台上一邊烤肉一邊欣賞「彩虹大橋」的景致。 在都會景致中小嘗海泳樂趣. 與附近的湘南海岸、三浦半島相比,東京灣的水質略顯遜色。 因此除了「葛西海濱公園」的海水浴場,基本上東京灣禁止游泳。 這座鄰近「東京迪士尼度假區」的海灘,會視水質於夏季開放游泳。 若想更盡興地游泳與享受衝浪樂趣,建議可以考慮前往鎌倉、江之島、逗子與森戶的海灘。 上述地點距離東京都心僅需1、2小時的車程。 便利的設施.

  2. 2021年2月4日 · 東京在地人推薦. 跟著韓文教師認識下北澤. Updated: February 4, 2021. Leo Joung. 韓文教師、語言補習班經營者. Leo Joung來自韓國,於2008年來到日本。 他擁有10年以上的韓文教師經歷,目前則進一步經營語言補習班並積極透過社群媒體與網友交流,除了在YouTube上傳韓文教學課程影片,也為計劃前往日本旅行的韓國人提供建議。 此外,他還定期在下北澤舉辦日韓交流活動,致力於促進雙方的理解與友好關係。 下北澤是流行元素與傳統文化兼容並蓄的老街,從新宿搭乘小田急線即可輕鬆抵達。 在這座保留著懷舊氛圍的同時,也不斷融入全新文化、日新月異的街區裡,聚集了許多平價美味的餐廳。

    • Like Walking on The Moon
    • Limitless Natural Attractions
    • Join in The Flower Festivities
    • Oshima’s Seasonal Specialties

    Mt. Mihara, occupying a large central section of the island, is an imposing active volcano responsible for many of the Oshima's hot springs and its jagged landscape. If you dare to stare right into the eye of the volcano, hike up the rocky mountain face and you'll find fascinating hardened lava sediments, left from the volcano's countless eruptions...

    Resembling a rocky layer cake, the Semba Exposed Cliffs that wrap around the roadside overlooking the ocean were created from volcanic sediment that has piled up over the past 15,000 years. Head to the opposite side of the island and travel north along the rugged coast, and you'll find Fudeshima Island, which looks remarkably like the tip of a call...

    From January to early April, Oshima is covered in bright pink camellia flowers (tsubaki). They are a symbol of the island and used in a variety of local products. Be sure to pick up a bottle of the island's camellia oil, which makes for an excellent souvenir. You can take a leisurely walk through the 100 meter-long Camellia Tunnel, located in the S...

    Find the perfect souvenir or present among Oshima's variety of local goods. For example, Camellia oil is ideal for food, skin and hair care, and milk rice crackers are made using natural ingredients from the island. The herb ashitaba, a specialty of Oshima, can be eaten as tempura or tsukudani (simmered in soy sauce and mirin), and is also used to ...