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  1. 2019年10月11日 · 寫專業的自動回覆訊息其實不難,只要記住以下三步曲便可: Step One:開場白—禮貌地打招呼. Thank you for your email. (謝謝您的來信。 Thank you for your message. (謝謝您的訊息。 You have reached the mailbox of Bruce Chan. (你已寄件給Bruce Chan。 Step Two:告知對方自己暫時不在、明確表示自己何時回來,以及有急事的話怎麼處理. I am currently out of the office with limited access to email. (我目前不在,不方便使用郵件。 I will be back on Oct. 10, 2019.

  2. 2021年12月16日 · If you want to make the most of your time away without potentially worrying the people you work with, setting up an out-of-office auto-reply email does the trick! What should an effective out-of-office auto-reply email include?

  3. 點寫Auto Reply? 即睇6大郵件範例 - CTgoodjobs | 全港最全面的畢業生職業及求職資訊平台 | CV 範本、面試技巧. 當你放假或不在辦公室時,設置自動回覆郵件可以有效告知同事和客戶你的狀況,避免不必要的困擾。 以下將根據6種不同的情境,分享實用的自動回覆範本,幫助你輕鬆應對各種情況。

  4. 2022年7月1日 · 設置Auto-Reply Message來展現你的職場禮儀及專業度是對客戶的尊重,也是職場必備的基本禮儀。 假若你沒有設置任何自動回覆就離開辦公室,那麼,你會讓send E-mail給你的人感到被忽略,並認為你不可靠。 寫專業的自動回覆訊息其實不難,只要記住以下三部曲便可: Step One:開場白—禮貌地打招呼. (Credit: https://stock.adobe.com) Thank you for your email. 謝謝你的來信。 Thank you for your message. 謝謝你的訊息。 You have reached the mailbox of Charmaine. 你的郵件已成功發給Charmaine。

  5. 2023年1月9日 · 無論係放假定出trip,總之每逢放假,都要寫定封自動回覆E-mail。 當有人E-mail 搵你,對方都知你唔響公司,處理唔到。 Jobsdb

  6. 2017年8月16日 · An autoresponder email message is a notification that you receive when the person you are trying to reach is out of the office. These messages typically give you...

  7. 2024年3月12日 · An automatic email reply or out-of-office email is an automated response sent on your behalf when receiving messages that meet certain conditions. Most email clients let you set up auto-replies to answer emails automatically within a set period using a pre-written email template.

  8. 2018年7月17日 · 以下是幾個簡單的回覆可供參考: 1. 如果你正在忙其他事情,需要容後再答覆: Thanks for the email, I'm under the pump at the moment but I will get back to you on this. Best Regards, (Your Name) 2. 大假:(可設定為auto reply) Thank you for your email. I’m out of the office and will be back at(Date of Return). During this period I will have limited access to my email.

  9. 2024年6月18日 · An out-of-office message is an automatic email reply that informs your colleagues or clients of your absence. It should include details about your return date and instructions for urgent matters. Setting up your OOO message can greatly benefit your mental health.

  10. 在Google 上面search “Email automatic reply sample ”, 我就被带到了LinkedIn 的 page,里面介绍了7种常用的Email automatic reply. Email automatic reply 应该要简而精, 但是必须涵括3点 (3 items should be included): How long you will be out Who to contact in

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