雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 98% naturally derived,* cruelty free and vegan. ^By clicking on this link, you will leave the official site of Hong Kong and will be directed to the website of ImagineX Beauty Limited, an authorized distributor of Aveda products in Hong Kong and Macau. SHOP NOW. From plants, non-petroleum minerals or water.

  2. 全新 botanical kinetics™ 草本植物精華. 3種不同護膚方案: 深層保濕精華、瞬間亮白精華和毛孔緊緻精華。. 每瓶精華蘊含有植物酸萃取和10,000 個植物幹細胞,. 滿注強效草本植物力量。. 97%天然萃取成分*。. 純素配方。. 零殘忍不經動物測試。. ^當點擊此連結,您將 ...

  3. 搜尋Aveda最新美容、護髮、護膚和其他產品.

  4. Experience Centers. Family Salons. Exclusive Aveda Hair Color. Pure Privilege Location. Performs Spa Services. Earth Month Leader. LocationsSEARCH. Please enter city, state or zip code. No stores found near the location you entered.

  5. 選購最愛的Aveda 產品. 當點擊此連結,您將離開此網站,並轉至Aveda 香港及澳門官方代理商ImagineX Beauty Limited的網站。. 立即選購. 長效營養補濕洗髮水 - 輕柔配方. 乳霜狀、質感輕盈的純素配方,以超級食物複合物調配而成。. 溫和潔淨,為乾旱頭髮提供滿注營養 ...

  6. Aveda是全球第一间美容企业采用100%经循环再造PET包装。 3 根据ISO标准,我们的头发护理产品平均达致90%天然成分萃取。 萃取自植物,非石油矿物或水。

  7. Aveda stylists are trained to pamper, transport and expertly care for you. We set trends on the fashion runways and then use them as inspiration—for looks that suit your life and your style. And it's all done with pure flower and plant ingredients that protect nature's beauty while enhancing yours.

  8. Discover Aveda's professional hair care products for a fashion-forward look while supporting eco-friendly practices.

  9. 在Aveda,純植物和花卉精華的藝術與科學之中,我們相信自然是人們最佳的美容師,這讓我們不斷努力地增加使用天然衍生成分的可能性。. 天然萃取:我們將天然萃取成分定義為超過50%的分子來自植物、非石油礦物、水或其他天然成分來源。. 我們致力提高 ...

  10. 當點擊此連結,您將離開此網站,並轉至Aveda 香港及澳門官方代理商ImagineX Beauty Limited的網站。. 豐富的泡沫溫和潔淨頭髮,以草本力量強化及修復受損頭絲*,並去除多餘的油脂、產品殘留物及污染物。. 滋養頭髮並即時解除打結,有助減少頭髮斷裂,以草本力量 ...

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