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  1. Update your anti-virus software regularly over the internet. Out-of-date anti-virus software will still have flaws. There are many anti-virus programmes available, both free and for purchase, and you can select one that fits your needs. Anti-Spyware.

  2. HSBC HK. Help. Cyber security and fraud hub. Beware of malicious software. What’s the difference between viruses, Trojans and spyware? Hackers will use many different techniques to invade your online privacy and potentially damage and steal your data. Three of the most common threats are viruses, Trojans and spyware.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Cyber security and fraud hub. Device. Pin-protected security device setup and activation. How do I set up a PIN for the first time? Press and hold the "Green Button" for 2 seconds to turn on the device. Enter a new 4 to 6 digit PIN at your choice using the keypad. Press the "Yellow Button" to complete the first PIN entry.

  5. 網路安全及防詐騙資訊中心. HSBC Safeguard:同心打擊金融罪案. 金融罪案構成的威脅是一個全球正面對的問題,並能影響所有人。 銀行對保障健全的金融系統扮演非常重要的角色,因此,滙豐致力採取措施,以助打擊金融罪案。 滙豐在香港擁有超過150年的歷史,作為你可信賴的夥伴,我們竭力提供更安全便捷的銀行服務。 要偵測及防範金融罪案,有賴我們同心協力。 準確和最新的客戶資料,有助我們阻止不法分子入侵金融系統。 不法分子一直試圖利用金融系統,進行人口販賣、非法毒品交易、欺詐及身分盜竊等危害人命和社會的活動。 我們期望能與客戶攜手,共同打擊一切詐騙及非法行為。 準確資料有助維持健全金融體系。 我們期望與你緊密聯繫,請更新你的資料。

  6. Cyber security and fraud hub. How to be Cyber Smart? Technology adoption in Hong Kong is among the highest in the world 1, but it also exposes the general public to significant cyber security risks 2, such as online fraud, bogus calls or messaging scams.

  7. Help. Cyber security and fraud hub. How to be Cyber Smart? The internet has made our lives incredibly convenient. But for all the benefits this enormous data explosion gives us, it also brings new risks. Are Hongkongers able handle and avoid threats like identity theft, online scams, account hacks or ransomware? We wanted to know.

  8. 網路安全及防詐騙資訊中心. 防詐騙三大法則. 電話詐騙和網上騙案日益猖獗,稍一不慎就可能墮入騙局,您還想靠其他人保護自己? 防範詐騙的第一度防線,其實就是您自己。 2019 年,反詐騙協調中心成功攔截的電話及網上騙案金額,超過港幣30億元,較去年同期上升1.5倍 1 。 而根據滙豐網絡安全調查2020,56%受訪香港人曾經遭遇網上詐騙,當中更有近30%人有金錢損失。 2 不想自己成為「中伏」的一份子? 記著這些重要法則,提防以下台詞,保護自己的個人資料和財產。 切勿輕易透露個人資料. 請提供戶口資料及一次性密碼確認身分。 毋須再懷疑了,聽到這句說話,對方一定是騙徒。 緊記,切勿向任何人透露戶口、信用卡資料和密碼等個人敏感資料。