雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年8月10日 · August 10th 2021. Exams Whole School. Badminton School Upper Sixth students have once again risen to the challenges of another uncertain year and, together, have developed key skills of resilience and adaptability which have seen the cohort navigate through the pandemic to successfully complete their A Levels.

  2. 2024年7月5日 · Badminton表現如此出色從學生身上卻感受到他們的低調。有別於一般有種貴族味道的名校,Badminton女生反倒給人一種平易近人、友善而開明的感覺。她們不會因為自己是Badminton學生而過分高傲自滿,但卻會因為自己是Badminton學生而勇於面對面前的

  3. Badminton School 是英國最佳 50 位私立中學是英國最佳的十所女校之一,非常受香港名校女生歡迎,每年均吸引大量學生報名,學額競爭激烈。. 學校紀律嚴格,公開考試成績突出,疫情前十年(2010-2019)英國高考(A-levels)A*-B 比例達 73% 至 91%,每年約 10% 學生 ...

  4. Seminars and Interview Sessions. 20/9 Friday. 4:00PM - 5:30PM. Badminton School. Type: In-Person Interview & Recruitment Day (Boarding School) Target: P.4 to F.7 (Boarding Students), Kindergarten to F.7 (Day Students) Location: British United / Join from Home.

  5. Entrance Assessments for admission in September 2025 will be held at Badminton on Saturday 16 th November 2024. All girls take examinations in English and Mathematics as well as a Cognitive Ability Test. Each girl will also have an interview with a senior

  6. Badminton School 2月兩大活動即場面試招生(14號)&升學簡介座談會(17號) 立即報名 Apply Now :https://bit.ly/BadmintonSchool2402 升讀英國頂尖女校Badminton School的機會再次來臨! 本月Badminton School外務發展總監Mrs. Clare Anning將來港進行兩

  7. Badminton School 從中五Year 11為學生提供完善的畢業支援計劃,學校每兩年就會舉辦一次大型的升學及就業輔導活動,內容包括就業展覽、參觀大學和面試訓練等。. 學校會與英國本地大學及公司機構聯繫,邀請不同的組織到校參加就業及實習展,例如國際 ...

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