雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Since the opening of Beijing Hair Culture more than 20 years ago, all of our shops are located in the most prestigious locations in HK. We have garnered a large sum of loyal customers while producing waves of star stylists HK has ever produced.

  2. Beijing Hair Culture為滿足消費者對尊尚、優質髮型屋的需求,故對其下店舖的硬件及軟件配套均採用一套完善、現代化 ...

  3. Beijing Hair Culture均採用一套完善現代化、標準化管理模式. 自開業以來的20多年,選址於甲級消費地段,一直於香港及上海時尚髮型界穩佔頂尖席位. 擁有多名專業髮型師為你創作髮型,打造最能突出自己風格的形象. 立即在KLOOK預約Beijing Hair Culture專業剪髮造型 ...

  4. 自開業以來的20多年,Beijing Hair Culture Group其下所有店舖均選址於甲級消費地段,除成功吸納了一批忠實客戶,同時亦孕育出一代又一代星級髮型師。. 時至今日,本企業與各髮型師仍維繫着一個緊密的合作網絡,不斷增值及互相交流,故一直於香港及上海時尚 ...

  5. Beijing Hair Culture, as one of Hong Kong's most renowned and prestigious hair salons, offers a wide variety of hairstyling and nail treatment services, satisfying every client's unique and exquisite tastes.

  6. 作為一家歷史悠久、享譽全城的髮型連鎖店,Beijing Hair Culture 為客戶提供一系列獨特、貼心而多元化的美髮美甲服務,以滿足各種客戶所需,在其時尚而雅緻的環境下,店內約有二十餘個座位,包括獨立房間及美甲室,主要服務包括:剪髮造型、專業造型、電髮 ...

  7. Beijing Hair Culture (Hair & Nail's). 1,696 likes. BEIJING hair culture group 所有店舖均選址於甲級消費地段,理念在於為顧客提供尊尚優質的理髮服務。 成立20多年來,孕育出一代又一代星級髮型師,於香港及上海時尚髮型界穩佔頂尖席位。

  8. 作为一家历史悠久、享誉全城的发型连锁店,Beijing Hair Culture 为客户提供一系列独特贴心而多元化的美发美甲服务,以满足各种客户所需,在其时尚而雅致的环境下,店内约有二十余个座位,包括独立房间及美甲室,主要服务包括:剪发造型、专业造型、电发 ...

  9. The high-end hair salon has been serving Hong Kong for more than 30 years. We have nurtured countless star hair stylists to occupy top seats in different trend sectors. We have always adhered to quality service to bring the best and most exciting products to everyone.

  10. 簡介. 企業簡介 Beijing Hair Culture的創辦人早已洞悉消費者對尊尚優質髮型屋的需求對其下店舖的硬件及軟件配套均採用一套完善、現代化、標準化管理模式。. 自開業以來的20多年,Beijing Hair Culture Group其下所有店舖均選址於甲級消費地段,除成功吸納了 ...

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