2024年2月22日 · 苯佐卡因(Benzocaine)是一種區域性麻醉藥,用於皮膚區域性麻醉、止癢、止痛、促進傷口癒合以及改善皮膚乾燥。 本品可能引起中樞神經抑制、過敏反應、皮膚乾燥等副作用,禁忌人群包括兒童、妊娠期婦女、哺乳期婦女、肝腎功能不全者及對該藥物 ...
Benzocaine, sold under the brand name Orajel amongst others, is a local anesthetic, belonging to the amino ester drug class, commonly used as a topical painkiller or in cough drops. It is the active ingredient in many over-the-counter anesthetic ointments such as products for oral ulcers .
Benzocaine的藥理作用 鈉離子通道阻斷劑,使鈉離子通道穩定維持在不活化的狀態,進而阻斷痛覺的神經訊息傳遞,而有短暫疼痛緩解、局部麻醉的效果。
2024年3月20日 · This activity provides a comprehensive overview of benzocaine, a local anesthetic within the ester class, extensively used in pain management. This session equips healthcare professionals with crucial insights essential for proficient pain control by elucidating its indications, mechanism of action, and contraindications.
苯佐卡因(Benzocaine)是一种局部麻醉药,用于皮肤和粘膜表面麻醉,可以缓解晒伤、瘙痒和轻度烧伤 [1]。 常见的商品名有:欧吉、去同、立蒂诺等。 规格有: