雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Bicester Village is a designer outlet shopping centre on the outskirts of Bicester, a town in Oxfordshire, England. It is owned by Value Retail plc. [1] . The centre opened in 1995. The centre is the second most visited location in the United Kingdom by Chinese tourists, after Buckingham Palace. [2] Expansion.

    • Bicester

      Bicester (/ ˈbɪstər / ⓘ BIST-ər) is an historical ...

  2. 比斯特购物村(英語: Bicester Village )是位于英国比斯特郊外的一家购物中心,以向游客出售打折名牌商品为主。

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › BicesterBicester - Wikipedia

    Bicester (/ ˈbɪstər / ⓘ BIST-ər) is an historical market town, garden town, and civil parish in the Cherwell district of northeastern Oxfordshire in south-central England. The town also comprises an eco-town development at North West Bicester and a self-build village at Graven Hill.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 比斯特購物村(英語: Bicester Village )是位於英國比斯特郊外的一家購物中心,以向遊客出售打折名牌商品為主。

  6. Bicester Village (2015present, previously Bicester Town 1987–2014, Bicester London Road 1954–1968, Bicester 1850–1954) is one of two railway stations serving the market town of Bicester in Oxfordshire, the other is Bicester North.

  7. 2018年4月23日 · 中國遊客到英國旅遊最喜歡什麼景點? 據稱比斯特購物村(Bicester Village)的受歡迎程度僅次於白金漢宮,在臨近的火車站設有中文指標。 但除了特價包包之外,這個「村子」還有什麼誘人之處? 在英國明明有不少其他景點,但那些中國遊客卻還著迷一個比斯特郊外的非自然景點—─一個單調劃一的購物中心─—這讓附近的居民難以理解。...

  8. 2024年6月10日 · 倫敦近郊的比斯特購物村(Bicester Village)與歷史悠久的牛津大學城(Oxford)距離並不遠,通常短期旅遊都會將這兩個排在同一天,這也是前往倫敦旅遊必訪的兩大景點。