雅虎香港 搜尋

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    bilingual laws of hong kong


  1. Hong Kong e-Legislation (HKeL), maintained by the Department of Justice, is the official database of Hong Kong legislation. It provides free online access to current and past versions of consolidated legislation dating back to 30 June 1997, and verified PDF copies with legal status for official use.

  2. Background of bilingual legislation. 1.1. English and Chinese were established as both the official languages of Hong Kong for the purposes of communication between the Government and the general public with the passage of the Official Languages Ordinance (Cap. 5) in 1974.

  3. 電子版香港法例」是由律政司管理的官方香港法例資料庫。 資料庫載有經編訂法例的現行版本及過去版本 (最早追溯至1997年6月30日),並提供具法律地位的經核證便攜式文件格式 (PDF)文本供正式引用。 最新消息. 更多… 電子版香港法例的更新情況. 更多… 經核證法例一覽表. 截至2024年7月11日. 按此連結查閱列表. 常被查閱的法例/文件. 《公司條例》 (第622章) 《税務條例》 (第112章) 《高等法院規則》 (第4A章) 《刑事罪行條例》 (第200章) 《證券及期貨條例》 (第571章) 更多... 常被下載的法例/文件. 《公司條例》 (第622章) 《證券及期貨條例》 (第571章) 《税務條例》 (第112章) 《保險業條例》 (第41章)

  4. 處理法例兩種語文本被指出現歧異的討論文件. 法律草擬科 (1998年5月) 1. 雙語立法的背景. 1.1. 1974年通過的《法定語文條例》 (“法例第5章”) 已確立在政府與公眾人士之間的事務往來上﹐中文和英文同為香港的法定語文﹐但在1987年之前﹐法例第5章只規定本地 ...

  5. Drafting Legislation in Hong Kong— A Guide to Styles and Practices How Legislation is Made in Hong Kong— A Drafter’s View of the Process Articles Interpretation of Bilingual Legislation Is It in Operation? References Others Get QR Code My Collection : : ...

  6. Quick Link: Click here for quick access to the current version of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, the Basic Law, the HK National Security Law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance.

  7. Ebooks. 《香港雙語法制語言與翻譯》是迄今唯一較全面回顧及展望香港雙語法制發展的專著,也是第一本用中文撰寫的相關作品。. 全書共五章,互相扣連。. 第一章指出培訓法庭傳譯員是發展雙語法制極重要的一環;第二章討論香港法院如何解決雙語法例的 ...

  8. 2013年9月2日 · Hong Kong e-Legislation (HKeL) is an official electronic database of the legislation of Hong Kong in English and Chinese. It replaced the previous Bilingual Laws Information System (BLIS) and is maintained by Hong Kong’s Department of Justice.

  9. Hong Kong is an official bilingual territory. Under article 9 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, and the Official Languages Ordinance, Both Chinese and English are equally official languages of the territory. However, no particular variety of "Chinese" referred to in laws is specified.

  10. To promote the development of legal bilingualism in Hong Kong, the department has published in electronic format the Combined DoJ Glossaries of Legal Terms, which contain a combined English-Chinese glossary and a combined Chinese-English glossary.