雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 伯曼猫 (Birman),又称 波曼猫 、 巴曼猫 、 缅甸圣猫 (法語: Sacré de Birmanie ) [1] ,是一种拥有长毛和 重点色 的 家猫 品种。 其名来自于法语“Birmanie”,意思即 缅甸 。 1925年在法国首次得到确认 [2] 。 历史. 藍色重點色伯曼猫. 传说这种猫本是缅甸北方神庙中所饲养的猫 [1] ,被人走私贩卖到法国 [1] [3] [4] 。 二战期间伯曼猫几乎在欧洲绝种,战后只有一对名叫奥尔洛夫(Orloff )和齐妮亚(Xenia de Kaabaa)的猫幸存,后来法国所有的伯曼猫都是这对猫的后裔,因此伯曼猫的基因多样性在各种猫里是最低的 [5] 。 但由于后来繁殖过程中多与 波斯猫 和 暹罗猫 杂交,纯种猫很少 [6] 。

  2. 2023年11月15日 · The Birman cat is a sweet and affectionate companion with long, silky hair. Birmans are color-pointed, which means they have a light-colored body with darker “points” of color on the face, ears, legs, and tail. Regardless of color, all Birman cats should have four white paws and blue eyes.

  3. 伯曼貓Birman),又稱 波曼貓 、 巴曼貓 、 緬甸聖貓 (法語: Sacré de Birmanie ) [1] ,是一種擁有長毛和 重點色 的 家貓 品種。. 其名來自於法語「Birmanie」,意思即 緬甸 。. 1925年在法國首次得到確認 [2] 。.

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › BirmanBirman - Wikipedia

    The Birman, also called the "Sacred Cat of Burma", is a domestic cat breed. The Birman is a long-haired, colour-pointed cat distinguished by a silky coat, deep blue eyes, and contrasting white "gloves" on each paw. The breed name is derived from Birmanie

  5. 伯曼猫是食肉目猫科猫属哺乳动物, [3]又称缅甸圣猫。. [4]头部较宽,呈圆形;鼻梁高;下巴饱满结实;眼睛大且圆,眼间距较宽; [5]耳中等长度,耳端稍浑圆,耳间距宽;身体稍长;四肢中等长度,较粗;爪子大而圆;尾长中等;全身被毛长而厚密,脸部周围 ...

  6. Also known as the sacred cat of Burma, the Birman cat is a large, long-haired breed with a heavy bone structure. Most of these cats exceed 12 pounds once they reach adulthood. Birman cats tend to be quiet, a bit shy with strangers, and they can be somewhat

  7. The Birman is a long cat and can become quite large. Males are usually larger than females. They are heavily boned cats and can appear somewhat stocky in every feature.

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