雅虎香港 搜尋


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    n 名詞

    • 1. 節育 to practise birth control 實行計劃生育


    • 1. 計劃生育的; 避孕的
  2. 2024年6月10日 · 口服的避孕方法可分為 事前避孕藥 和 事後避孕藥。 這些避孕藥均含有人造荷爾蒙 , 可抑制排卵並干擾受精,達到避孕效果。 事前避孕丸可以在藥房或 屈臣氏 購買 ; 事後丸(緊急避孕丸)則不能在藥房購買,必須要經醫生處方才能配藥。 到底兩者應如何正確服用才能發揮最大效果呢? 服用避孕藥會否產生副作呢? 避孕藥一定能成功避孕嗎? 下文我們將詳細為您解答這些問題。 事前避孕藥(荷爾蒙避孕丸)的原理是什麽? 事前避孕丸藥含有人造荷爾蒙——雌激素及黃體素,這兩種激素可以抑制排卵,也能干擾受精過程和受精卵著床。 事前避孕藥分爲單一(黃體酮)及混合荷爾蒙(少量雌激素和黃體酮),前者較適合 餵哺母乳 的女性,不會影響乳汁分泌,後者則適用於大多數女性。 事前避孕藥的成功率有多少?

  3. The Birth Control Clinics of The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong provide contraceptives, consultation and health check-up to clients who practise contraception (including condoms and periodic abstinence).

  4. Birth control, also known as contraception, anticonception, and fertility control, is the use of methods or devices to prevent unintended pregnancy. [1] Birth control has been used since ancient times, but effective and safe methods of birth control only became [2]

  5. 最有效的避孕方式是男性輸精管結紮術及女性輸卵管結紮術等絕育手術、子宮避孕器(IUD)及 植入避孕 ( 英语 : implantable birth control )。 再來就是許多 荷爾蒙避孕法 ,包括 复合口服避孕药 、 避孕贴 、 陰道環 及 注射避孕 ( 英语 : Injectable ...

  6. 2023年4月17日 · Birth control is how you prevent pregnancy. There are lots of different birth control options out there. We’re here to help you figure it all out. Pick what’s important to you to find your best birth control method: Doctor or Nurse Required. Best At Preventing Pregnancy. Easiest to Use. Helps with Periods. Less or No Hormones. Helps Prevent STDs.

  7. The “Birth Control Methods” Booklet provides information on the male and female reproductive systems, how conception takes place, how the birth control methods work, their effectiveness, and how to use them correctly.

  8. The mechanisms of contraceptive actions include the suppression of ovulation, and thickening of cervical mucus hence rendering it impervious to sperm. There are Progestogen Only Pills (POP) and Combined Oral Contraceptives (COC). They usually come in 21-day, 24-day or 28-day packs.

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