Apply for a British National (Overseas) visa (known as a BNO visa) to live, work and study in the UK if you or a family member are from Hong Kong and registered as a British national...
Apply for a British National (Overseas) visa (known as a BNO visa) to live, work and study in the UK if you or a family member are from Hong Kong and registered as a British national (overseas).
Who can apply for a BNO visa?
Can a family member apply for a BNO visa?
What is a BN (O) visa?
Who can apply for a BN (O) visa?
How many times can a BNO visa be extended?
Can I get public funds if I have a BNO visa?
2021年4月8日 · This enables BN (O) status holders and their family members to live, work, and study in the UK. In April 2021, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (then DLUHC) launched a...
Online application status enquiry. Enquiries by Phone. Apart from using the online service, you can enquire about the status of your application through the 24-hour telephone enquiry system at (852) 3160 8663. Assistance and Further Information.
2023年5月15日 · 只要你或你的父母為英國國民(海外),就可以申請BNO簽證,帶同伴侶、子女和受養家人移民英國。. 雖然申請BNO簽證不需要持有英國國民(海外)護照,但申請BNO續期或重新申請BNO之後,有BNO在手可能加快申請簽證所需時間。. 即便已過期多年的BNO也可以申請續 ...
2021年3月5日 · 剛剛知道英國負責處理BNO簽證嘅 UK Visas and Immigration部門依家開始可以接受廣東話諮詢。. 你可以喺星期一至五香港辦公時間內(朝九晚五)打電話去+44 (0)300 790 6268或者+44 (0)203 875 4669,但係要記住佢哋係唔會俾到你個人申請嘅意見。. 仲有,你係要打電話去一個 ...
There are 2 pathways under the Hong Kong BN(O) route: the BN(O) Status Holder Route and the BN(O) Household Member route. Applicants will be able to apply for permission for either 5 years or 30 months. You will be able to study and work in almost any.