The different types of British nationality explained - British citizen, British overseas territories citizen, British overseas citizen, British subject, British national (overseas), British ...
Apply for a British National (Overseas) visa (known as a BNO visa) to live, work and study in the UK if you or a family member are from Hong Kong and registered as a British national...
British National (Overseas), abbreviated as BN (O), is a class of British nationality associated with the former colony of Hong Kong. The status was acquired through voluntary registration by individuals with a connection to the territory who had been British Dependent Territories citizens (BDTCs) before the handover to China in 1997.
Apply for a British National (Overseas) visa (known as a BNO visa) to live, work and study in the UK if you or a family member are from Hong Kong and registered as a British national (overseas).
The British National (Overseas) passport, commonly referred to as the BN (O) passport, is a British passport for people with British National (Overseas) status.
英府公布最新移民細節,重點如下: 於 2021 年 1 月 31 日起開放予擁有BNO身份人士申請,無須持有效 BNO 護照,可憑特區護照申請. 5 年簽證費為 250 英鎊,30 個月簽證費為 180 英鎊. 抵英後可從事任何工種. 親屬(配偶、未成年子女)可以「受養人」身份申請簽證赴英. 受養人數目不限,但必須經常居於香港. 申請人須證明具足夠經濟能力,供申請人及受養人在英生活 6 個月. 需支付額外費用,以享用國民保健服務(NHS) 詳情可瀏覽 英府官方網頁. 我是否擁有 BNO 身份? 1997 前出生港人 BNO 護照申請 / 續領 :
The new route, the details of which were presented to parliament on 22 October 2020 in a Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules, will allow all British National (Overseas) citizens who normally live in the UK, Islands or Hong Kong, to come to the UK with their close family members for five years.