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  1. The flag of Brazil contains 27 stars, representing the Brazilian states and the Federal District. [12] The constellation of the Southern Cross is on the meridian (indicated by the number 6 in the diagram). To the south of it is Polaris Australis ( Sigma Octantis, numbered 7), representing the Federal District.

  2. 巴西国旗. 巴西國旗 以 綠色 為背景,加上 黃色 的 菱形 ,而在菱形上再有一個 藍色 的 天球儀 ,天球儀上有27顆以 南十字星座 為中心的 白 星 ,中央的一條白帶上以 葡萄牙語 寫著巴西的 國家格言 “ Ordem e Progresso ”,意為「秩序與進步」。 巴西現國旗顏色源於 巴西帝國 時代的國旗,綠色底面和黃色平行四邊形,儘管在色調和形狀上稍作修改,而綠色代表了巴西第一個皇帝佩德羅一世的 布拉甘薩王朝 ,而黃色則代表了巴西皇帝的妻子 瑪麗亞·利奧波迪娜 皇后所属的 哈布斯堡王朝 。 [1] 天球儀的下半部代表制定國旗時的首都 里約熱內盧 天空顏色。 天球儀中畫有以南十字星為中心的二十七顆星,則代表首都與二十六個州。 演變[编辑]

  3. national flag consisting of a green field (background) with a large yellow diamond incorporating a blue disk with a white band and stars. Its width-to-length ratio is 7 to 10. During the Napoleonic Wars the Portuguese royal family resided in Brazil, which was elevated in status from a Portuguese colony to a kingdom coequal with Portugal.

  4. The flag has truly unique design - the globe in the center of the flag shows the night sky exactly as it could be observed on November 15, 1889 at 8:30 am from Rio de Janeiro (on this day the Brazilian monarchy was brought down).

  5. 2023年10月24日 · 巴西现国旗颜色源于 巴西帝国 时代的国旗,绿色底面和黄色平行四边形,尽管在色调和形状上稍作修改,而绿色代表了巴西第一个皇帝佩德罗一世的 布拉甘萨王朝 ,而黄色则代表了巴西皇帝的妻子 玛丽亚·利奥波迪娜 皇后所属的 哈布斯堡王朝 。 [1] 天球仪的下半部代表制定国旗时的首都 里约热内卢 天空颜色。 天球仪中画有以南十字星为中心的二十七颗星,则代表首都与二十六个州。 演变 [ 编辑] 葡萄牙在美洲的殖民地从未有过自己的旗帜,因为传统上葡萄牙鼓励所有葡萄牙君主统领的地区升起葡萄牙国旗。 最早用于代表巴西的旗帜是驶往巴西的葡萄牙船只所用的航海旗。 一面绿白两色条纹的旗帜,一直用到1692年。 [2] 其中绿色代表王室,白色是葡萄牙的国家色彩。

  6. 2024年3月7日 · Welcome to a splash of color, history, and symbolism, all wrapped up in the vibrant canvas of the flag of Brazil. make a nice represetation of the brazilian flag in 1200px X 675px. make an image where the green of the flag represents the forests of brazil, the yellow the sand of the beaches and the blue the sea.

  7. The National flag of Brazil features a green field with a large yellow diamond (rhombus), and in its center floats a blue celestial globe with 27 white five-pointed stars.

  8. 2021年1月8日 · The Brazilian flag is made up of a green rectangle-shaped base, overlaid with a yellow rhombus and a blue circle in the middle. The blue circle depicts a starry sky spanned by a curved descending white stripe with our national motto “Ordem e Progresso” in green letters. “Ordem e Progresso” means “order and progress” in English. Brazil flag image.

  9. The national flag of Brazil, is a blue disc depicting a starry sky spanned by a curved band inscribed with the national motto "Ordem e Progresso", within a yellow rhombus, on a green field. It was officially adopted on 19 November 1889 — four days after the Proclamation of the Republic, to replace the flag of the Empire of Brazil.

  10. Discover the rich symbolism and history behind Brazil's flag. From the colors and design to the map and meaning, uncover the story of Brazil's national symbol.

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