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  1. 2021年8月30日 · 商業服裝(business attire)會依活動類型、產業場合(occasion)而有不同的服裝規定(dress code)。在對的場合穿著合適、得體的衣服才不會讓自己顯得輕浮。今天就一起來認識最常見的三種職場穿搭風格與單品(product item)英文吧!

  2. 2023年7月31日 · There are varying levels of business attire, ranging from “casual” to “business formal.” Based on the setting, you can decide which kind of business attire is appropriate. In this article, we take a closer look at the different types of business attire, examples of

  3. 2018年10月30日 · 不同公司文化有完全不同的衣着文化,正如傳統大公司和start up 的dress code可以是兩碼子的事。如果你不想格格不入,並想在職場建立好評﹑好形象,公關?免不了!上班前第一件事: dress code 要識分。Business Formal 商務正裝

  4. 2024年6月26日 · 根據《牛津字典》,Business Casual是指:「a style of dressing in which people who work in business wear clothes that are suitable for their profession but less formal than traditional business clothes.」即是穿搭不用似Business Formal一樣,穿西裝西裙襯白裇衫那般正式,穿搭重點在展示出你的專業 ...

  5. Business formal attire is the most formal dress code in a professional setting. It is often required for high-level events or meetings and includes clothing items such as dark suits and ties, skirt suits, or suit dresses. For both men and women, classic, conservative colors like black, navy, or charcoal gray are preferred.

  6. 2022年9月30日 · Business attire, or professional attire, refers to the clothing you wear in professional settings. You might decide how to dress depending on the type of office you work in, for an interview or for a meeting.

  7. 2020年3月17日 · 這篇先來談談 “Business Casual”(商務便裝)的穿搭守則,提供夏天及冬天配搭參考圖鑑,讓你不再煩惱返工衫、見客衫、見工面試衫,輕鬆面對各類 interview 及重要場合。

  8. 2023年9月11日 · Business attire is a formal dress code for many offices and corporate events. It denotes a professional style of dress that appears smart and sophisticated. For men, a suit is generally required. On the other hand, women can interpret business attire in various ways.

  9. 2022年7月21日 · In this article, we discuss what business attire is, the difference between formal and casual business attire, how to dress yourself according to your company dress code and grooming tips for the workplace.

  10. 2024年3月6日 · Business professional attire is a formal dress code that is expected to be worn in strict business settings. Industries with a high level of formality such as banking, finance, or law would require conservative dress codes to convey a professional and authoritative image.

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