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  1. The various business email samples that we break down will illustrate how to introduce your business in an email, how to say sorry, how do you say thank you, and how to say no politely in a business email, as well as how to write a business email with attachments.

  2. 【職場力UP】10大貼士幫你寫好business email. 喺職場,面對從未見過、溝通過嘅客或者partner,慣常都會用email打個招呼先。 而對住同事,雖然大部份時間會用WhatsApp/Signal溝通,但最尾大家都會講句:「我email recap返吖。 」/「我by email再confirm你吖! 」。 無他嘅,一來咁做會正式啲,二來驚大家唔認數(miss咗message睇唔到)! 撰寫商業電郵(business email)喺日常工作當中基本上走唔甩,而你寫嘅每一個字,都會影響你畀其他人嘅印象,所以email嘅寫作技巧就顯得非常重要。 以下呢10個貼士,睇下幫唔幫到你! 1. Email subject要寫好.

  3. 2023年8月27日 · Learn what business emails are, understand their components, explore steps for writing an effective email, discover its purpose and review email samples.

  4. 2015年8月13日 · 正式英文 email 究竟該怎麼寫?該怎麼稱呼對方?怎麼講重點?又該如何有禮貌地結束信件? 這篇介紹的是比較正式的商業信件 business email,在聯絡別的公司或比較不熟的同事會用到,跟常合

  5. 2023年11月3日 · Writing a clear, concise email is arguably one of the best skills you can build to strengthen relationships across the company, effectively communicate with clients and potential customers, and drive more engagement to your content, site, or product page.

  6. 2015年8月5日 · 正式英文 email 究竟該怎麼寫?該怎麼稱呼對方?怎麼講重點?又該如何有禮貌地結束信件?VT 幫你搞定 formal business email 讓你職場應對超得體!

  7. 2022年8月10日 · Learning to write better emails will improve your reputation as a strong and thoughtful team member, help you articulate your ideas clearly, grow your influence, avoid unnecessary...

  8. 2024年1月25日 · A professional email is a formal, business-oriented way of communicating online with anyone related to your career. Professional emails should be concise, clear, and neatly formatted with a clear call to action.

  9. With these five steps and best practices, you can compose emails that help you put your best foot forward in every workplace situation. Writing professional emails with Flowrite is lighting fast. Use our AI-powered smart email templates to write your emails for

  10. 2021年8月30日 · How to Write Better Emails at Work. by. Jeff Su. August 30, 2021. JS. Jeff Su is a full-time Product Marketer who makes videos on practical career and productivity tips. Eight tips you...

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