雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 價格:1組3種口味約1,080日幣,亦有其他組合990~1,260日幣. 福岡機場必買調味料!. 牙膏式辣味明太子醬. 和上述的明太子鮪魚罐頭出自同一家製造商的條狀醬料「ツブチューブ(tubu tube)」,除了有著鮮豔可愛的包裝外,嚴選自福岡博多產的明太子,再加上柚子 ...

  2. 2017年1月26日 · 上图是静冈县伊豆市修缮寺的新井旅馆 我们按日文的发音顺序做了这些卡片插图,因此你很容易就能了解到这些约定俗成的规矩。 其中有些你可能已经知道,而另外一些,你就需要好好注意了。 日本的旅馆可以让人非常放松,但也有一些暗藏玄机,读了本文以后,参考我们给出的建议和解释,就不 ...

  3. 2023年1月5日 · 来到日本旅行,无论在哪个景点附近的商店,应该都能找到极具地方特色的达摩不倒翁(だるま)。其实这个看起来Q版又可爱的摆件,来头可不小。达摩不倒翁的原型是僧侣达摩的坐像,达摩作为佛教禅宗的始祖,他的故事经由中国传至日本,尤其是那个著名的面壁9年坐禅的传说,更是家喻户晓 ...

  4. 2014年10月11日 · Here are a few tips to guarantee an amazing shopping experience while in Japan. 1. Start Early! As they say, the early bird catches the worm, and Japan is no different. Most major stores in Japan open their doors starting at 10 or 11 a.m., but as the sun hits Tokyo’s popular Tsukiji market, shoppers are already waiting outside the stores ...

  5. 2017年12月28日 · 5. ¥100 Shops. While the selection might not be the biggest, ¥100 shops in Japan do have toys sections where you can find a variety of simple but fairly durable distractions. Daiso and Can☆Do are good chains to hit, and while Seria has toys too, it tends to be more targeted toward DIY and cute stuff.

  6. 2017年8月23日 · Japanese Level: N5. Amazon ranks at the JLPT N5 level for a series of reasons. First, even if you're new to Japan, Amazon most likely exists in your country, and the website layout and functions are almost the same all over the world. Second, you can set up the website to show up directly in English, a foolproof way to shop.

  7. 2022年7月25日 · 6. Uiro. Uiro is a steamed cake made from non-glutinous rice, water and sugar. Sweet and chewy, uiro can be made in a variety of colors and flavors, including adzuki, matcha, yuzu citrus, strawberry and chestnut. These delightful sweets are a specialty of Nagoya.

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