雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 醫生會於病人的腹部塗上一層薄啫喱,透過掃描儀器觀察上腹位置移動,檢查肝、胰、膽及膽管是否有異常,檢查過程約十數分鐘。. 不過,以超聲波掃描胰臟,影像易被腹部脂肪和胰臟前方的腸、胃氣干擾,一般建議同時進行電腦掃描或磁力共振掃描,以提升 ...

  2. 腸胃疾病 胰膽. 胰臟是一個位於胃部背較後位置的器官,主要提供協助消化的酶素及調節新陳代謝的荷爾蒙。 根據醫管局香港癌症資料統計中心於2015的數字,胰臟癌雖然不是香港十大常見癌症,但卻高踞香港十大死亡癌症的第四位,而其死亡率排名於第四的原因,很大機會是由於早期胰臟癌通常並無明顯症狀,並加上其位置相對較隱蔽,因而較難被發現。 當有明顯症狀時,疾病多為較後期或不能以手術作治療的階段,即使能進行手術進行切除,其存活的時間一般較其他癌症病患者短。 胰臟癌的症狀可包括黃疸,糞便顏色變淡,尿色變深,腹痛或背痛,不明原因體重下降及無飢餓感。 市民若要檢查有否患上胰臟癌,本中心亦有提供以下檢查作出診斷︰. 內視鏡超聲波檢查. 內視鏡超聲波導引幼針穿刺檢查. 分享: 列印.

  3. 慢性胰臟炎 ( 英语 : Chronic pancreatitis ) 患者罹患胰臟癌的風險為正常人的3倍,另外,胰臟癌的症狀也可能會以新發病的糖尿病或胰臟炎表現 [49]。 罹患遺傳性胰臟炎的人罹患胰臟癌的風險較高 [49] [51] 。

  4. 2024年5月4日 · Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that begins as a growth of cells in the pancreas. The pancreas lies behind the lower part of the stomach. It makes enzymes that help digest food and hormones that help manage blood sugar. The most common type of pancreatic cancer is pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

  5. 胰臟癌. 癌症實況. 預防. 癌症診斷. 癌症治療. 病人支援. 補充資料. 胰臟癌是本港致命癌症的第四位,在2021年,胰臟癌導致889人死亡,佔癌症死亡總數5.9%。. 胰臟癌的發病率及死亡率均於過去十年錄得明顯升幅,從2011到2021年,因胰臟癌而死亡的人數躍升75%。.

  6. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in Hong Kong. In 2021, a total of 889 people died from this cancer, accounting for 5.9% of all cancer deaths. In the past decade, both incidence and mortality of pancreatic cancer have significantly increased.

  7. The pancreas lies deep within the abdominal cavity. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer are nearly unnoticeable during the early stages of the disease, making it difficult to detect during general physical examinations. Most cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage.

  8. Pancreatic cancer is among the most deadly forms of cancer globally, with one of the lowest survival rates. In 2015, pancreatic cancers of all types resulted in 411,600 deaths globally. Pancreatic cancer is the fifth-most-common cause of death from cancer in the

  9. 2024年5月4日 · Pancreatic cancerOverview covers symptoms, risk factors, prevention, diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy and other treatment for cancer of the pancreas.

  10. Overview. Pancreatic cancer can develop from two kinds of cells in the pancreas: exocrine cells and neuroendocrine cells, such as islet cells. The exocrine type is more common and is usually found at an advanced stage. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (islet cell tumors) are less common but have a better prognosis.

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