雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We are proud to introduce you to our new venture, Cardiff Sixth Form College Cambridge. We are now one college, two campuses. Please watch the short video below to find out more.

  2. OUR CAMPUSES. The vibrant Capital City of Cardiff is a great place to be a student. Safe, easy to navigate and inexpensive, the city centre is only five minutes’ walk from the College where you will find High Street shopping, individual boutiques, restaurants and coffee shops to enjoy at the weekends.

  3. 學校簡介. Cardiff Sixth Form College 的主校設於威爾斯首都 Cardiff並於 2022/23 學年增設劍橋(Cambridge分校,過去 12 年來都是英國高考(A-levels)成績最佳的學校,並曾 11 度成為英國高考排名榜榜首,畢業生升學前景極佳,幾乎所有學生都能升讀理想學府,在 2023 ...

  4. 由 2022/23 學年起增設中四(Year 10)課程. Cardiff Sixth Form College 的主校設於威爾斯首都 Cardiff並於 2022/23 學年增設劍橋(Cambridge)分校,過去 12 年來都是英國高考(A-levels)成績最佳的學校,並曾 11 度成為英國高考排名榜榜首,每年平均有 25% 學生升讀牛津 ...

  5. Cardiff Sixth Form College (Cambridge Campus) 學校編號 C03c | 地圖座標 F7 | www.ccoex.com | 89 Regent Street, Cambridge, CB2 1AW. 重要日期: 9/7 (星期二) 面試及招生日. 首屆學生於 2022/23 學年開學. 學校基本資訊. 類別. 寄宿中學(男女校) 日校年齡. 16-18. 寄宿年齡. 16-18. 成立年份. 2022. 宗教. 無. 索取 寄宿生 、 香港學生 及 內地學生 人數. 地區. Cambridgeshire. 環境. 英格蘭東部城市. 索取 寄宿生 、 香港學生 及 內地學生 人數. 校園環境. 學費及升學預算參考. 索取 全年學費預算.

  6. School Information. History. Cardiff Sixth Form College is the top school in the UK. Established in 2004. as a private tutorial college, this high flying, academic beacon combines. outstanding teaching in small class sizes with innovative, individual careers. programmes aiming at G5 universities for some of the most impressive.

  7. Cardiff Sixth Form College 簡介. 升學率高 入讀學生赢在起跑線. 衛冕頂尖學校之首、連續8年獲 Education Advisers'Awards 評選為全英最佳男女私立寄宿中學(Top Private Co-educational Boarding School) 及全英最頂尖預科書院(Top Independent Sixth Form College),是有意入讀醫學院、法律系、環球商業系等「神科」的狀元搖籃。 而2022年A-Level成績於全英排名第一,有94.7%考生獲得A*-A成績彪炳。 大部份就讀的香港學生均出身自名校:拔萃、皇仁、喇沙等,可說是「名校集中營」,學術及競爭氣氛十分濃厚。