Castle Peak Hospital (CPH) is a psychiatric hospital with about 1,100 beds. It provides general psychiatric admissions for residents of NTW cluster. Forensic inpatient service is provided to the whole of Hong Kong. It also manages a network of psychiatric clinics and a day hospital, providing outpatient and day patient services.
青山醫院(英語: Castle Peak Hospital )是香港 精神科 醫院,1961年3月27日開幕,涉資超過1300萬元 [1],位於香港 新界 屯門區 屯門 青松觀路15號,毗鄰屯門醫院及菁田邨,取代19世紀建成位於西營盤的域多利精神病院。
What is Castle Peak Hospital (CPH)?
When was Castle Peak Hospital opened?
What services does Castle Peak Hospital offer?
Which psychiatric hospital has the longest history in Hong Kong?
Castle Peak Hospital (CPH), officially opened in 1961, is a psychiatric hospital with the longest history in Hong Kong. It provides to the local population a range of comprehensive psychiatric treatments and services, including community mental health services
Castle Peak Hospital was officially opened by the Governor Sir Robert BLACK. 葉寶明醫生獲委任為青山醫院首任院長. Dr YAP Pow-meng was appointed as the first Medical Superintendent of Castle Peak Hospital.
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Castle Peak Hospital (CPH) is a psychiatric hospital with about 1,100 beds. It provides general psychiatric admissions for residents of NTW cluster. Forensic inpatient service is provided to the whole of Hong Kong. It also manages a network of psychiatric clinics and a day hospital, providing outpatient and day patient services.
A statutory body established on 1 December 1990 under the Hospital Authority Ordinance to manage all public hospitals in Hong Kong.