雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.mayoclinic.org › tests-procedures › cataract-surgeryCataract surgery - Mayo Clinic

    Cataract surgery is a procedure to remove the lens of the eye and, in most cases, replace it with an artificial lens. A cataract causes the lens to become cloudy when it is typically clear. Cataracts can eventually affect vision. Cataract surgery is performed by an eye doctor, also called an ophthalmologist.

  2. 即按為你解決煩惱. 白內障是香港常見眼疾之一,初期幾乎沒有症狀,病情發展到中期常被誤以為只是眼睛老化現象。. 當發展到嚴重階段,患者看東西時會模糊不清,嚴重者甚至會完全失去視力。. 故此,及早發現,相當重要。. 患有白內障,視力變模糊,看 ...

  3. Cataract extraction surgery. Surgery is the only treatment for cataract, and over 95% of patients can restore their vision after surgery. After the removal of cataract, an individualised intraocular lens implant will be fitted in place for best visual outcome.

  4. 2023年3月15日 · The treatment for cataracts is cataract surgery, which involves removing the cloudy natural lens and replacing it with an artificial lens implant to restore clear vision.

  5. 2023年11月15日 · During cataract surgery, your cloudy natural lens is removed and replaced with a clear artificial lens. That lens is called an intraocular lens (IOL). Learn about the cataract treatment and cataract s

  6. 白內障(英文:Cataract)是眼內晶狀體隨年齡增長逐漸老化,令眼睛變得混濁且視力變得模糊的一種眼疾。 白內障是十分常見的眼疾。 古代詩人白居易描述:「散亂空中千片雪,朦朧物上一重紗。

  7. Standard cataract surgery restores vision by removing the cataract which blurs and blocks vision, while refractive cataract surgery further improves quality of vision through the use of lens implants with additional features, such as correction of pre-existing

  8. 白內障的手術種類大致可分為三種,有較傳統的囊外摘除術、較廣泛使用的超聲波乳化微創手術,以及較新的飛秒激光輔助白內障手術。 人工晶體的選擇. 混濁的晶狀體可以用人工晶體來取代,主要有以下3種: 3. 考慮事項. 手術前眼睛檢查. 患者在手術前應先進行詳細的眼睛檢查及屈光指標檢查,以便準確地計算人工晶體的度數,。 全面的眼睛檢查應包括視力檢查、斜視測試、測量眼壓;裂隙燈顯微鏡進行眼睛結構檢查;放瞳視網膜檢查;測量角膜弧度、眼軸長度及屈光度數;其他眼疾排險評估及身體狀況評估等。 價錢. 囊外摘除手術: 根據 在2019年進行的調查,在12間回覆本會查詢的機構中,有5間提供此項手術,每隻眼睛的手術費約由$14,900至$29,500不等;

  9. 地址: 嘉賓眼科專科中心 SeeClinic. 九龍油麻地彌敦道301-309號嘉賓商業大廈1004-1007室. Room 1004-1007, Champion Building, 301-309 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon. 專業資格: 香港大學內外全科醫學士 1977. 愛爾籣國立大學眼科文憑 1980. 英國愛丁堡皇家外科醫學院院士 1986. 英國皇家眼科醫學院院士 1989. 香港醫學專科學院院士 (眼科)1993. 提供醫療程序及手術: Cataract Surgery. Glaucoma Surgery. Vitreo-Retinal Surgery. Laser Surgery for Diabetic Retinopathy.

  10. 2023年1月4日 · A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of your eye that can make it hard to see clearly. Surgery is the only way to get rid of cataracts. Read about who needs cataract surgery, how to prepare, what happens during and after surgery, and what the risks are.

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