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    IPA [kəˈrɪzmə]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 非凡的個人魅力 she has a distinct lack of charisma 她顯然缺乏個人魅力
  2. It is difficult to divorce perceptions of policy reform from the political charisma of proponents. 來自 Cambridge English Corpus. His charisma drew enormous crowds wherever he went to speak, and all his speeches and policy pronouncements were covered widely in the press. 來自 Cambridge English Corpus.

    • English (US)

      CHARISMA translations: 超凡的個人魅力;吸引力;超凡氣質. ...

    • 例文

      CHARISMA - 定義, CHARISMA の発音音声とその他: a special ...

    • 中文

      CHARISMA翻译:超凡的個人魅力;吸引力;超凡氣質。了解更多 ...

    • Diccionario Cambridge

      traducir charisma: 超凡的個人魅力;吸引力;超凡氣質 ...

  3. They include words and phrases such as broke, down payment, advertising, charisma, fine print, input, throughput, memo, nitty-gritty, streamline, backlog, breakthrough, feedback, and format. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus. They had what can only be called television charisma. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus.

  4. CHARISMATIC翻譯:個性的, 充滿個人魅力的, 教堂的, (基督教派)蒙受神恩的,有特恩的。了解更多。 Chapter 2 on social organisation outlines the ideal types of traditional versus modern societies, and of various types of authority (traditional, charismatic and rational).

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供charisma的中文意思,charisma的用法讲解,charisma的读音,charisma的同义词,charisma的反义词,charisma的例句等英语服务。.

  6. n. 名詞. 1. 非凡的領導力. 2. (基督教)神授的能力. 3. 魅力 A great leader must have his (her) own charisma. 一個偉大的領導人一定要有他(她)超凡的個人魅力。.

  7. a spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people. 3. the special virtue of an office, function, position, etc., that confers or is thought to confer on the person holding it an unusual ability for leadership, worthiness of veneration, or the like.

  8. 此頁面最後編輯於 2021年11月24日 (星期三) 22:54。 本站的全部文字在創用CC/共享創意 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 協議 之條款下 ...

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