雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港中文大學中醫專科診所暨臨床教硏中心 (以下簡稱本診所) 位於香港中文大學崇基學院信和樓一樓,前身為香港中文大學中醫學院 - 中醫教學診所, 是中醫學院的第一臨床教學基地。. 診所於 2001 年成立,由多位教授、專業顧問、講師及資深醫師駐診,並帶領 ...

  2. CUHK Chinese Medicine Clinics. 香港中文大學中醫專科診所暨臨床教硏中心. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic cum Clinical Teaching and Research Centre. 香港中文大學中醫學院中西醫結合醫務中心. Integrative Medical Centre, School of Chinese Medicine, CUHK. 香港中文大學 ...

  3. Since 1999, HKBU has been leveraging its special expertise to provide a full range of quality Chinese medicine healthcare services to cater the public’s needs. It established the first Chinese Medicine clinic, School of Chinese Medicine has been making

  4. Founded in 1990, Health Wise Chinese Med has establishd itself as a leading Chinese Medicine Clinic in Hong Kong. We combine a progressive healthcare & wellness attitude with a strong Traditional Chinese Medicine foundation to deliver superior results. The Clinic Specializes in Internal Medicine, Reproductive Health and Sports Injury.

  5. 望、聞、問、切,藥湯幾許,銀針數根,助病者驅除痼疾,總是中醫懸壺濟世的心願。. 而這也就是浸大自1999年起致力發展優質、有系統中醫藥門診服務,集良醫、治身心的目標。. 繼成立第一間香港浸會大學中醫藥診所,其後一直致力建立其醫療隊伍,並擴大 ...

  6. 中環中醫診所致力於提供專業、現代化的中醫醫療服務。. 有別於市民對中醫印象中的藥材調配,診所採用的是濃縮顆粒沖劑,讓病人在使用上更方便快捷。. 此外,診所亦提供針灸、耳穴、推拿、拔罐等全方位綜合治療,提供更多元的中醫醫療服務。. 診所亦 ...

  7. A wide range of quality Chinese medicine is available. In addition to general consultation services, the Clinic provides a broad spectrum of specialty services, which include CM internal diseases, CM gynecology, CM gerontology, CM orthopedics and Address

  8. Under the School of Chinese Medicine at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic cum Clinical Teaching and Research Centre now offers medical service with 8 consultation rooms and 1

  9. 2024年1月24日 · Explore HKBU's Chinese Medicine Hospital, a leader in comprehensive Chinese medicine services. Learn about our services, masterplan, and latest news.

  10. 漢醫智慧Ancient Wisdom Traditional Chinese Medicine是一所提供專業中醫藥治療診所,強調以人為本,治療專業認真,服務從心出發。 中醫藥千年傳統智慧,配合現代醫學檢查作指導,治療效果更顯著 注重身心靈的健康,天人合一。

  11. Our Chinese Medicine Practitioners focuses on a thorough understanding of their patients well through extensive communication and discussion. They specialize in the use of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to address their illness and help patients to

  12. 靖婷中醫診所位於銅鑼灣市區,交通便利。 我們致力提供優質的現代化中醫診療服務,由註冊中醫師提供專業內科、婦科、針灸,美容,埋線等各項中醫專科門診服務,能全面照料求診者需要。 醫師自幼亦受疾病所苦,深深明白作為患者的無助心情。 “為人除病解憂”,“療效為先”是我們的宗旨,希望能為所有有緣來到的患者排憂解難。 了解更多. 醫師團隊. Our Team. 陳靖婷 註冊中醫師. 蘇愛巧 註冊中醫師. 服務簡介及價錢. Service description and price. 內科診症.

  13. Chinese Medicine Clinic in Hong Kong. Herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, consultation by Chinese medicine doctors specialized in Gynecology, Gastroenterology, Cancer, Pediatrics, pain relief

  14. 濃縮中藥及代煎草藥 人體若陰陽平衡,則身體健康;陰陽失調,則百病叢生。. 內經云:”治病必求於本”的本就是指調和陰陽,透過中藥的寒熱升降浮沉,使人體之陰陽平衡,治療效果毋庸置疑,我們的祖先已積累了三千年的治病經驗。. 中藥應用非常廣泛 ...

  15. 我們致力提供優質的現代化中醫診療服務,由註冊中醫師提供專業內科、婦科、針灸,美容,埋線等各項中醫專科門診服務,能全面照料求診者需要。 醫師自幼亦受疾病所苦,深深明白作為患者的無助心情。 “為人除病解憂”,“療效為先”是我們的宗旨,希望能為所有有緣來到的患者排憂解難。

  16. Three Civil Service Chinese Medicine Clinics are set up to provide free Chinese Medicine services for treatment purpose for the exclusive use of civil service eligible persons. What’s New

  17. Chinese Medicine Clinic provides high quality clinical services in Chinese Medicine including internal medicine, acupuncture, tui-na and bone-setting. Consultations are provided by teaching staff of the School of Chinese Medicine of The University of Hong Kong

  18. 服務介紹. 兒科. 男科. 皮膚科. 康河中醫診所已進駐沙田!. 地址:沙田車站圍1號連城廣場 7樓719-720 號舖. 預約電話:2838 0898. 康河中醫診所 River Cam Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic.

  19. Beaming Sun Chinese Medicine Clinic 營業時間: 星期一至五(mon-fri) 09:30-20:00 星期六及日(Sat & Sun)09:00-17:00 公眾假期休息 (Sun off) 銅鑼灣 WHATSAPPS 9872 8868 / 電話 2330 1118 黃埔 WHATSAPPS 5601 1317 / 電話 2330 1628

  20. 2022年7月1日 · Welcome to the homepage of the Chinese medicine hospital project. This is the platform for sharing of key information on the project such as key design concepts and operation mode of the hospital, and types of services to be provided to the public.

  21. 2 天前 · The charity’s projections show that England will have around 17.2 million urgent suspected cancer referrals in the next five years. In the first six months of 2024 just 65.9% of patients with cancer were treated within the target time of 62 days from an urgent referral, meaning that more than 30 000 patients did not start treatment on time.

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