Here's a great collection of Chinese sayings and proverbs with Chinese characters, pinyin pronunciation, and English translations and explanations, to help you learn and enjoy the Chinese language while understanding Chinese people's attitudes, life, and values
Hundreds of chinese proverbs in simplified chinese with pinyin, english literal translation and figurative translation or english equivalent.
2021年5月5日 · Chinese proverbs can be a fascinating source of cultural insight. They are short and clever sayings that contain life-advice and reflect shared values and attitudes. And if you’re learning the language, proverbs can be a fun way to pick up new vocabulary.
2024年10月7日 · This is a collection of Chinese proverbs (諺語 yànyŭ) and idioms (成語 chéngyŭ), given in and sorted by their pinyin transcription. Chinese proverbs and four-plus character idioms are developed from the formulaic or social dialect/saying/expression (歇後語 in
CJKI’s Chinese-English Database of Chengyu (CEC) is important for translating 成語 chéngyǔ (Chinese proverbs and idioms, often classical). For example, 臨陣磨槍 línzhènmóqiāng, literally ‘face battle sharpen spear’, actually means “do something at the last moment”, cannot be translated literally by machine translation.
What are some Chinese proverbs?
Where do Chinese proverbs come from?
What are Chinese sayings & idioms?
What are some Chinese sayings?
Are proverbs a good way to learn Mandarin?
What do Chinese Idioms say about love?
Hundreds of chinese proverbs in simplified chinese with pinyin, english literal translation and figurative translation or english equivalent.
2022年6月20日 · 一分錢一分貨. 一命二运三风水,四积阴德五读书. 一命二運三風水,四積陰德五讀書. 一啖荔枝三把火. 一图胜千言. 一圖勝千言. 一子失着,满盘皆输. 一子失著,滿盤皆輸.