雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 集團資料. 「高陞集團控股有限公司」其下子公司「捷達機電工程有限公司」是一間三十年歷史的機電工程公司,擁有一班專業的技術人員及施工團隊。. 過去我們一直堅守著最基層的施工環節,積極發揮我們的專長,提供優質服務,是一間歷史悠久,經驗豐富的 ...

  2. Copyrights © 2024 All Rights Reserved Designed By Alpha Beans Limited

  3. 過往工程項目 商業項目 東區 北角春秧街 發展商: 萬科 項目内容: 機械通風及空氣調節系統 住宅項目 東區 柏蔚山 發展商: 新世界建築 項目内容: 電力及電控裝置系統 住宅項目 沙田區 Silversands 發展商: 信和置業 項目内容: 機械通風及空氣調節系統 關於我們 短片 集團資料 主席寄語 公司 ...

  4. “Chit Tat” Chit Tat Electrical Engineering Limited, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company 「捷達」 捷達機電工程有限公司,本公司的間接全資附屬公司 “close associates” has the meaning ascribed to it under the Listing Rules 「緊密聯繫人」

  5. 捷達機電工程有限公司. 高陞集團旗下全資附屬公司「捷達機電工程有限公司」立足香港近 30年,主要業務為香港各地產發展商以及建築商提供優質機電工程服務,包括安裝機械通風及空氣調節系統、給排水系統、泳池及噴水池系統、供電和電控系統以及樓宇 ...

  6. inability of the Group’s development. The Board is responsible for formulating the ESG strategies of the Group, monitoring the Group’s ESG performance, reviewing the effectiveness of the Group’s ESG management systems and determining the ESG policies of the Group. The chairman of the Board is responsible for overseeing the strategic planning of the Group and providing leadership to the ...

  7. E REPORT環境、社會及管治報告Accel Group Holdings Limited (the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries (the “Group”)) is pleased to present the Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Report (the “ESG Report”) for the ye. r ended 31 March 2020 (the “Year”). This report specifies the ESG activities of the ...

  8. About the Company The Group is an established electrical and mechanical (“E&M”) ms as well as smart electrical control systems in buildings. We were engaged by reputable property developers and constructio companies in Hong Kong to complete several iconic projects. We continue to strive to

  9. About the Company The Group is an established electrical and mechanical (“E&M”) s as well as smart electrical control systems in buildings. We were engaged by reputable property developers and construction companies in Hong Kong to complete several iconic projects. We continue to strive to

  10. dle electrical appliances to avoid unnecessary consumption. The Group selects energy-efficient equipment where applicable and will perform immediate repairs once damage is reported. Through implementing such measures, employees’ aware