雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 他是歐洲最大型教育科技初創加速計劃Emerge Education的董事會成員,亦是英國首個社創天使投資者網絡的創會成員。 他經常就社企及融資等題目撰文及演講,文章刊於《英國衛報》、《福布斯》、《Fast Company雜誌》和《史丹福社創評論》等刊物。 ‍. Ashoka歐洲區董事總經理.

  2. www.ses.org.hk › international-symposium › social-enterpriseSocial Enterprise Summit 2019

    The three-day international symposium has successfully hosted dialogues with over 80 respected social innovation leaders from 16 countries and regions on 4 main discussion tracks, namely “Designing Happy Business”, “Designing Good Finance”, “Designing for Social Inclusion” and “Collaborating for Happiness”.

  3. www.ses.org.hk › tc-knowledge-hub › kwun-tong-se-lab-2022觀塘社創實驗室2022

    點子 1 維持可持續的商業發展環境. Mridula Nair 女士強調可持續發展的重要, 她指出商界樂於與不同社會企業合作,從而充分使用社會資源,為下一代建設更美好的未來。 冼超舜博士亦同意 Mridula Nair 女士的觀點,並表示摩根大通在 2000 年將總部遷往觀塘時,就辦公室遷移如何影響營商環境製作影響評估報告。 當時,摩根大通希望在觀塘區維持一個包容和多元化的營商環境。 點子 2 善用社會資源. 黃子萌先生分享了在觀塘休憩用地舉辦體育賽事的經驗,他認為公共空間讓中小企業和社企易於舉辦活動,鼓勵觀塘區居民參與。 賴志偉先生亦表示,活化工業大廈及發展公共空間可以令觀塘保持對企業的吸引力。 點子3 持續創新.

  4. The roles of governments, funders, and social innovators are often given much weight in social innovation. However, intermediaries also play an indispensable role in building the social innovation ecosystem.Background Chair Message Organiser and Co-organisers Organising Committee Advisers Sponsors Partner & Supporting Organisations

  5. Now more than ever, “Trust” will play a key role in solving the world’s social and environmental challenges - from aligning a common purpose in cross-sector partnerships and practising honest conversations between people from diverse backgrounds.

  6. Founder and Executive Director, Heroad Investment, China. Mr Chengyi LI is an experienced venture capitalist with expertise in impact investing and an impressive track record.

  7. 2020 is a time when people ponder on our true basic needs. The economy is also on the cusp of a paradigm shift as investors and institutional leaders are making their bids for a more responsible and sustainable capitalism.

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