雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 親臨專門店體驗鑽光美肌. 了解更多. Clé de Peau Beauté 是「肌膚之鑰」的意思。. 從「肌膚細胞觸覺理論」而生的卓越科研,釋放肌膚與生俱來的鑽光亮澤。. 我們力臻完美、尊貴奢華,矢力研創最奢華、最令人趨之若鶩的護膚及彩粧產品。.

  2. 銅鑼灣崇光. 崇光銅鑼灣店G/F. 營業時間:10am – 10pm (星期日至四), 10am – 10:30pm (星期五、六) 電話號碼: 2831 - 8487.

  3. Clé de Peau Beauté HK. 購買任何底粧及彩粧產品滿HK$2,000,可獲贈鑽光美粧禮遇(總值:HK$805 )。 立即購買. 官網首次購物可獲迎新禮遇 優惠碼【WELCOME】 . 了解更多. 購物滿HK$1,000尊享自選2件體驗裝,打造專屬您的肌膚修護及美粧程序 . . 選單選單ENG搜尋. 搜尋. 關閉. 登入. 以一次性密碼登入您的Clé de Peau Beauté網上帳戶。 地區代碼. +852. +853. +86. 電話號碼. 請完成 reCAPTCHA 驗證以繼續進行。 記住我. . 驗證. .

  4. Buy Cle de Peau Beaute at Sephora. Empower your skin to embody radiance, texture, tone and contour with a full range of exceptionally crafted skincare.

  5. Clé de Peau Beauté. 353,117 likes · 471 talking about this. Clé de Peau Beauté法語裏其意為「開啟美麗肌膚的鑰匙」,銳意為所有女性創造恆久之美。.

  6. Opening Hours: 10:30 am - 9:00 pm. Bearing the principal of promoting top of intelligence and elegance, the luxury skincare and make up brand Clé de Peau Beauté offers their prestigious customers an elegant and comfortable spatial experience with the world’s first concept shop in Festival Walk.

  7. French for the “key to beautiful skin,” Clé de Peau Beauté combines cutting-edge science and aesthetic sense with modern elegance. With a full range of exceptionally crafted skincare, color, and complexion products and an unparalleled level of service, Clé de Peau Beauté empowers each and every woman to unlock the power of her radiance ...

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