When running, CodeView presents the user with several windows that can be tiled, moved, sized and otherwise manipulated via the keyboard or mouse, with CodeView 4.x providing a richer interface. Some of the windows include: Code window – the code window showed the currently debugged code in its source code context.
CodeView was a standalone debugger created by David Norris at Microsoft in 1985 as part of its development toolset. It originally shipped with Microsoft C 4.0 and later. It also shipped with Visual Basic for MS-DOS, Microsoft Basic PDS, and a number of other Microsoft language products.
Is CodeView a debugger?
What is Microsoft CodeView?
How does CodeView work?
What is CodeView in Visual C ++?
What is CodeView & how to use codehighlighter?
Is CodeView a fullscreen symdeb?
2024年4月22日 · CodeView 是一个专为程序员设计的轻量级代码审查工具。 通过集成Git版本控制系统和现代Web技术,它提供了强大的功能,如实时预览、逐行评论、多用户协作等,旨在简化代码审查流程,提升团队的工作效率。
2024年6月21日 · 今天,我们带来了一个专为此而生的开源项目 —— Codeview,它让Android开发者能够以一种既简单又美观的方式,在WebView中预览和展示代码片段。 项目介绍
以CodeView 察看電郵亂碼 CodeView 會自動判別亂碼的原來編碼,並根據判斷解碼,然後把解碼後的內容顯示 在「結果窗口」之中。當然,CodeView 的自動判斷不一定準確,用家可自行根據自己 ...
CodeView is a standalone debugger created by David Norris at Microsoft in 1985 as part of its development toolset. It originally shipped with Microsoft C 4.0 and later. It also shipped with Visual Basic for MS-DOS, Microsoft BASIC PDS, and a number of other
CodeView contains 3 core parts to implement necessary logic: CodeView & related abstract adapter to provide options & customization (see below). For highlighting it uses CodeHighlighter, it highlights your code & returns formatted content. It's based on Google Prettify and their Java implementation & fork.