雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. EMMAS整合了市面上三種常見床褥物料作比較,包括乳膠床褥、獨立袋裝彈簧床褥和記憶棉床褥,比較各自的特性、優點和限制,讓您在挑選床褥時有多一點參考! 乳膠床褥介紹. 柔軟、舒適和透氣是天然乳膠的優勝之處,成為不少床褥製造商所選用的物料。 加入天然乳膠製成的床褥,回彈力高,能緊貼人體曲線做到細緻承托,而且透氣孔亦有助空氣流通,防止塵蟎及霉菌滋生,適合香港的潮濕氣侯。 獨立袋裝彈簧床褥介紹. 顧名思義,每個彈簧均獨立封裝而成。 市面上大部分的獨立袋裝彈簧都是圓筒形,彈性高,支撐力強,獨立受力而且互不干擾,隔震效果出色。 對比其他物料,彈簧能提供穩定的支撐及承托,能貼合身體曲線,在睡眠期間讓使用者的脊椎保持良好姿勢。 另外,每個彈簧均有大量空間讓空氣流通,保持床褥透氣清爽。

  2. In the future, it will actively expand its sales network and introduce more high-quality brands from all over the world, so that customers can enjoy the ultimate comfortable sleep experience. The mattress brand EMMAS from Australia has a hundred years of experience in making mattresses, and has adjusted the specifications of mattresses to suit the body shape and needs of Asians.

  3. 床褥發霉的處理方法. 預防床褥發霉的方法. 甚麼是霉菌. 霉菌又稱為黴菌,是屬於真菌類,在周圍環境中無處不在,而且生長速度快。 霉菌的繁殖方式是通過肉眼看不見的微小孢子,以空氣或水等方式散播。 當遇到合適的地方,例如濕度高和溫暖的地方便大量繁殖而成霉菌。 床褥便是其中一個合適的地方,床褥會放置在床板上,床褥底部長期處於不透風的狀態,加上體汗水分泌的累積也會令霉菌急速生長,床褥便會出現黑色的霉點。 對人體有沒有影響. 我們每天都會花幾個小時在床上睡覺,而我們的皮膚是直接接觸床褥,霉菌孢子會依靠塵埃在空氣中飄浮,有機會透過鼻腔和口腔進入呼吸道和肺部,從而影響人體皮膚和呼吸道健康。

  4. To introduce this blue butterfly logo, we must first talk about Sensitive Choice. As a non-profit organization founded by the National Asthma Council of Australia in 2006, Sensitive Choice aims to help millions of consumers worldwide who suffer from asthma and

  5. What does Australian Made & Owned Mean? The Australian Made logo is Australia's most trusted and recognised symbol for products that are made right here in Australia. It is a registered certification trademark and can only be used on products that have met the criteria to qualify for the prestigious green and gold

  6. It is a joy to build a small world of your own, but when you really start to prepare, you find that there are a lot of problems to deal with! EMMAS has sorted out 5 major preparations for the new home, and also provides various latest discounts, so that you can enter your new home faster and enjoy the joy of moving in!

  7. LE FERME Bedding Collection Cool Quilt LE FERME 寢具系列 Suprelle 極緻涼感被芯 LE FERME 寢具系列 Suprelle Clean 冬季抗菌被