Others. [Switch to complete mode] Cap. 212 Offences against the Person Ordinance. Timeline. Match case. Enable word stemming. Search: e.g. “Apple is good” means to find documents having the exact phrase “Apple is good”. e.g. Apple AND Lemon means to find documents having both words.
如需以HTML格式列印整章法例,請先按目錄下方的 鍵,然後按。如要在同一頁面中列印雙語內容,請把頁面方向調校至水平(橫向)。如法例同時備有RTF格式的選項,你可直接往頁底的下載區,下載並列印整章法例的RTF文本。
On an indictment for murder a person found not guilty of murder may be found guilty of—. any offence of which he may be found guilty under any Ordinance specifically so providing, or under section 51(2) or section 90(2) of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap. 221); or. 企圖謀殺罪,或企圖犯該人可被裁定犯了的其他罪行。.
襲擊及普通襲擊罪:普通襲擊,根據普通法和第212章《侵害人身罪條例》第40條均屬違法。 襲擊他人致造成身體傷害的刑罰比普通襲擊更高,因這條罪行對受害人構成實際的身體傷害。
Assault or Common Assault: Common Assault is both a common law crime and a statutory offence under section 40 of the Offences Against the Person Ordinance, Cap 212. The range of circumstances giving rise to a potential charge of assault are myriad.
A person convicted of a common assault contrary to section 40 of the Offences Against the Person Ordinance (OAPO) ( Cap. 212 ) is liable to a maximum punishment of imprisonment for one year. An assault is committed when the stalker deliberately or recklessly puts the victim in fear of the immediate application of unlawful force.
Common assault is contrary to the common law and punishable under section 40 of the Offences Against the Person Ordinance, Cap 212. It is an act by which a person intentionally or recklessly causes another to apprehend immediate and unlawful personal violence. Common assault carries a maximum sentence of imprisonment for 1 year.
Violence against a child is just as much a criminal offence as violence against an adult. The Offences Against the Person Ordinance (“OAPO”), Cap. 212 , contains a number of offences relating to the unlawful use of force. These offenses range from common assault to inflicting grievous bodily harm, and to murder.
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B. Common assault. A person convicted of a common assault contrary to section 40 of the Offences Against the Person Ordinance (OAPO) ( Cap. 212 ) commits an offence and is liable to imprisonment for one year. An assault is committed when the abuser intentionally or recklessly puts a person in fear of the immediate application of unlawful force.