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  2. 香港的法律制度. 列印. 普通法和衡平法主要見諸香港特區和其他普通法適用地區高等法院的判決。 回顧歷史,至少自十五世紀以來,法官的判決記錄逐步構成詳細的法律原則,規管國家與公民之間和公民互相之間的關係。 現時,源自普通法適用地區的經彙報案例已盈千累萬,形成普通法。 有關言論自由、集會自由及免受任意逮捕或監禁的權利,在三百多年前判定的案例中已有說明。 如所周知,這些權利現在藉 《基本法》 的條文保障。 普通法最獨特之處是依據司法判例制度,不限於取自單一司法管轄區的判決,而是可以納入所有普通法適用地區的案例。 《基本法》第八十四條訂明,香港特區法院可參考其他普通法適用地區的司法判例。 此外,香港特區終審法院可根據需要邀請其他普通法適用地區的法官參與審判工作。

    • 重要判決

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      本網站列明所有已經生效而又適用於香港特區的多邊協定。這 ...

    • 協定

      本網站亦提供香港特區簽訂並已生效的主要雙邊協定的列表和 ...

  3. Common law and the rules of equity are to be found primarily in the judgments of the superior courts in the HKSAR and other common law jurisdictions. In historical terms, reports of judgments handed down by judges have, since at least the 15th century, established in detail the legal principles regulating the relationship between state and ...

  4. The law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has its foundation in the English common law system, inherited from being a former British colony and dependent territory. There are several sources of law, the primary ones being statutes enacted by the

  5. Under “One Country, Two Systems”, Hong Kong has retained its common law system, which has continued to thrive and operate normally. Hong Kong is the only common law jurisdiction within China. The common law system is maintained under Article 8 of the Basic Law.

  6. 香港的法律制度. 香港特別行政區 (香港特區)的法律制度建基於 法治 和 司法獨立的原則,其憲制框架來自中華人民共和國 (中國)全國人民代表大會根據《中國憲法》第三十一條制定的 《基本法》。. 根據“一國兩制”原則,香港特區的法律制度有別於中國內地 ...

  7. The legal system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is based on the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary.

  8. The legal system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) differs from that of the Mainland, and is based on the common law.

  1. common law system in hong kong 相關

  2. 課程類別多元化,包括多個法律相關課程,適合法律行政人員或有興趣人士報讀,立即查詢. 了解更多

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    common law system