雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1997年1月7日 · These are the versions of Schedule 1 of the old Companies Ordinance (Cap.32) compiled for reference as the provisions in Table A of Schedule 1 might apply to or have been adopted by companies as their articles of association before the commencement date of the new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622).

  2. REGULATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT OF A COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES, NOT BEING A PRIVATE COMPANY. Interpretation. 1. In these regulations-"Ordinance" ( ) means the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32); "seal" ( "secretary" ( ) means the common seal of the company; ) means any person appointed to perform the duties of the secretary of the company.

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  3. means to find documents having “apply”, “applies”, “applying”, “application” etc. means to find documents having “apply”, “applying”, etc. A percent sign (%) can also be used to match 1 English word. means to find documents having “apple is good” or “apple tastes good”. An underscore (_) can be used to match any ...

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  5. Table A and Model Articles 1. The regulations contained in (a) Table A in the First Schedule to the predecessor of the Companies Ordinance and (b) Model Articles in Schedule 1 of the Companies (Model Articles) Notice (Chapter 622H of the Laws of Hong 2.

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  7. Chapter Number Index. Chinese Title Index (in Order of Number of Strokes of Chinese Character) English Title Index (in Alphabetical Order) Chinese Subject Index to Ordinances. English Subject Index to Ordinances. Chronological Table of Ordinances. Gazette. Editorial Records. Useful Information.

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