雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. A Concise Guide to the Employment Ordinance. 【Information relating to sickness allowance】Employees’ entitlement to sickness allowance under the Employment Ordinance (EO) will not be affected after the launch of electronic medical certificates by the Hospital Authority.

  2. 僱傭條例簡明指南. 前言 ( PDF) 第一章:《僱傭條例》適用範圍 ( PDF) 第二章:僱傭合約 ( PDF) 第三章:工資 ( PDF) 第四章:休息日、法定假日及有薪年假 ( PDF) 第五章:疾病津貼 ( PDF) 第六章:生育保障 ( PDF) 第七章:侍產假 ( PDF) 第八章:年終酬金 ( PDF) 第九章:終止僱傭合約 ( PDF) 第十章:僱傭保障 ( PDF) 第十一章:遣散費及長期服務金 ( PDF) 第十二章:防止歧視職工會 ( PDF) 第十三章:僱主不支付根據勞資審裁處或小額薪酬索償仲裁處的判令須支付的款項的刑事責任 ( PDF ) 附錄一:「以12個月平均工資來計算有關法定權益」簡介及計算例子 ( PDF) 附錄二:查詢 ( PDF)

  3. All employees covered by the Employment Ordinance, irrespective of their hours of work, are entitled to basic protection under the Ordinance including payment of wages, restrictions on wages deductions and the granting of

  4. The Employment (Amendment) Ordinance 2010, which makes it an offence if an employer wilfully and without reasonable excuse fails to pay any sum awarded by the Labour Tribunal or Minor Employment Claims Adjudication

  5. Employment Ordinance at a Glance. This leaflet sets out in simple terms the main provisions of the Employment Ordinance (Cap.57). It should be noted that the Ordinance itself remains the sole authority for the provisions of law explained. For details, please refer to the full text of the Ordinance or.

  6. 如需以HTML格式列印整章法例,請先按目錄下方的 鍵,然後按。如要在同一頁面中列印雙語內容,請把頁面方向調校至水平(橫向)。如法例同時備有RTF格式的選項,你可直接往頁底的下載區,下載並列印整章法例的RTF文本。

  7. yes.labour.gov.hk › Applicants › MainLabour Legislation

    A Concise Guide to the Employment Ordinance. (Note: The following contains externel links pointed to the corresponding materials in the webpage of Labour Department) You may also make use of our telephone hotline 2717 1771 (handled by "1823") which provides round-the-clock service for general enquiries on topics of labour legislation.

  8. 2019年10月30日 · 僱傭條例》適用於所有僱員,但不適用於下列人士: 1. 僱主家屬並與僱主同住的僱員; 2. 《往香港以外地方就業合約條例》所界定的僱員; 3. 根據《商船(海員)條例》所指的船員協議而服務的人,或在並非. 於香港註冊的船上服務的人; 4. 按照《學徒制度條例》註冊的學徒,但《僱傭條例》內的若干規定. 仍適用。 所有《僱傭條例》適用的僱員,不論其工作時數,都享有條例下的一些基. 本保障,例如工資的支付、扣薪的限制及法定假日的給予等。 僱員如根據「連續性合約」受僱,便可享有更多權益,例如休息日、有薪. 年假、疾病津貼、遣散費及長期服務金等。 連續性合約. 僱員如連續受僱於同一僱主 4 星期或以上,而每星期最少工作 18 小時, 他的僱傭合約便屬「連續性合約」。

  9. A Concise guide to the Employment Ordinance

  10. Eligibility for Rest Day. An employee employed under a continuous contract is entitled to not less than one rest day in every period of seven days. Definition of a Rest Day. A rest day is defined as a continuous period of not less than 24 hours during which an employee is entitled to abstain from working for his employer. Appointment of Rest Days.