雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. elines.coscoshipping.com › ebusiness › cargoTrackingCOSCO SHIPPING Lines

    Tariff for COSCO SHIPPING Lines (Europe) GmbH EUROPE TRADE PRICE Tariff for COSCO SHIPPING Lines Co., Ltd. Demurrage & Detention Tariff Schedule Schedule Sailing Schedules Vessel Particulars Booking Booking Booking Booking Amendment Doc ...

  2. COSCO SHIPPING Lines. With a globalized ,integrated container service network, our high-quality “door to door” supply-chain solution will surely extend customers' global reach and create business opportunities!

  3. 2024年6月24日 · COSCO SHIPPING | Home. Your One-Stop Integrated Shipping Services Provider. SHIP TRADING AGENCY SERVICES. We provide ship owners with the best solutions for their shipbuilding plans. Media Center. 13 September 2024. The Chairman of Tianjin Expressway Li Fuzhao and his team visited... 23 August 2024.

  4. 08-30. 业务领域. 航运、码头、物流、修造船、航运服务等上下游产业链形成了较为完整的产业结构体系。 航运产业集群. 港口产业集群. 物流产业集群. 产融结合产业集群. 装备制造产业集群. 增值服务产业集群. 数字化创新产业集群. 境外公司. 企业文化. 服务全球贸易,经营全球网络,以航运、港口、物流等为基础和核心,打造世界一流的全球综合物流供应链服务生态。 社会责任. 明确提出“保持与客户、员工和合作伙伴诚实互信的关系,最大程度地回报股东、社会和环境”的使命。 党建工作. 深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神、全国国有企业党的建设工作会议精神,深化全面从严治党,弘扬伟大建党精神,发扬党建优良传统,激励党员发挥先锋模范作用,为建设世界一流企业努力奋斗。 反腐倡廉.

  5. 中远海运(香港)有限公司 (简称「香港中远海运」)是中国远洋海运集团有限公司(简称「中远海运集团」 )全资拥有的地区管理公司和经济实体,是中远海运集团在海外重要的区域管理本部和企业群体,管辖着中远海运集团在香港、内地、希腊等地区所属企业 ...

  6. world.lines.coscoshipping.com › na › enCOSCO SHIPPING Lines

    COSCO SHIPPING Lines offers shipping services and interaction with users' browsers through cookies for a personalized experience.

  7. www.lines.coscoshipping.com › hongkong › tcCOSCO SHIPPING Lines

    中远海运货柜代理有限公司扎根香港,服务香港,参与和见证了香港回归以来走过的非凡历程。 我们将一如继往全力支持行政长官和特区政府的工作,履行企业社会责任,与香港各界一道,踔厉奋发,砥砺前行,共同创造香港新的辉煌。

  8. world.lines.coscoshipping.com › home › AboutCOSCO SHIPPING Lines

    COSCO SHIPPING Lines was formed with the integrated container businesses of COSCO Container Lines Co., Ltd. and China SHIPPING Container Lines CO., Ltd.. It commenced operation on 1st March 2016 with a registered capital of RMB23.664 billion. Its

  9. world.lines.coscoshipping.com › hongkong › enCOSCO SHIPPING Lines

    Cosco Shipping Container Line Agencies Ltd. (COSLINA) established in 1987, headquartered in Hong Kong, China to serve all around the world.

  10. Corporate vision: undertake the mission of globalizing Chinese economy, consolidate advantageous resources, take global shipping, integrated logistics, and shipping.....

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