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  1. credential evaluation美國移民局 相關

  2. 美國EB-5移民,投資額低至80萬美元,一人申請全家移民,無需居留,無需管理經驗,無學歷英語要求. 另代辦各類美國親屬移民、家庭團聚等,專業顧問為你全面評估分析及建議,歡迎查詢了解。


  1. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is releasing end of fiscal year (FY) 2023 data that illustrates the agency’s progress in meeting its strategic priorities. Learn More. USCIS REVISES POLICY MANUAL TO ALIGN WITH NEW FEE RULE.

    • Topics

      At USCIS, we oversee legal immigration to the United ...

    • Forms

      Form fees, eligibility requirements, fee waiver ...

    • Citizenship

      The Citizenship Resource Center has a collection of ...

    • Tools

      Many of our tools and resources are available to the ...

    • 什么是移民局认可的学历认证?学历认证/学位评估 (Educational Credential Evaluation):用于评估外国人在美国之外的教育背景、考试分数、职业资质,以便美国的学校、雇主、政府等在招生、雇工时使用。
    • 我需要为申请移民局相关的业务进行学历认证吗?如果你只有国内的学历,那么答案是肯定的。但不用怕,你的移民律师会引导你进行整个流程的申请,无论是H1B工作签证、绿卡、I-140或其他申请。
    • 我应该如何使用移民局认可的学历认证?一旦你收到了学历认证,其实只需要将报告和其他文件一样加到邮寄给移民局的包裹中即可。事实上,你也可以在一般情况下将学历认证和个人简历、个人陈述附上,从而让移民官更好地了解你来自国内的学历背景。
    • 我应该提交哪些文件来申请学历认证?移民局要求学历认证中需包括以下教育背景的实例:毕业证、学位证、成绩单或其他学历相关的证书。所以,你需要提供以下材料才能进行学历认证:
  2. 其他人也問了

  3. World Education Services (WES) is North America’s trusted leader in credential evaluation services. Learn about the different types of reports we offer, the documents we require, and how to get started.

  4. 外國公民尋求移民美國而申請移民簽證通常必須由美國公民、美國合法永久居民的直系親屬或者未來的美國僱主擔保,並且在移民申請書獲批後,才可辦理移民簽證。

    • What Is USCIS Approved Education Evaluation?
    • What to Do with A Credential Evaluation For Immigration?
    • What Documents Do I Need For An USCIS Approved Education Evaluation?
    • What Does A Credential Evaluation For Immigration include?
    • Where Can I Get Education Credential Evaluation For Immigration?
    • How Do I Select The Right Service?
    • Do I Have to Mail The Original Documents?
    • How Long Does It Take For An USCIS Approved Education Evaluation?
    • How Much Is It For The Service?
    • Conclusion

    Education Evaluation, aka Education Credential Evaluation or Foreign Credential Evaluation, is a service provided by professional evaluation agencies to evaluate educational backgrounds, test scores, professional experiences, etc. obtained outside the United States. It mainly includes 2 types of evaluations: 1. Foreign Degree Evaluation(Diploma Eva...

    Once you get the Credential Evaluation for Immigration in the preparation process for you immigration case to be reviewed by USCIS, simply include the report in the package that is going to be mailed out. In fact, it is normally recommended to attach the foreign credential evaluation to your resume or CV, along with the original documents from your...

    USCIS requires the evaluation to provide educational evidence, including diplomas, degrees, transcripts, or certifications. Therefore, you may need to submit the following for your foreign credential evaluation: 1. Degree Certificate 2. Translated degree certificate by a certified translator 3. Transcripts 4. Translated transcripts by a certified t...

    A typical Credential Evaluation for Immigration may include: 1. An equivalent for each degree, diploma or transcript submitted for evaluation 2. Dates of attendance and location of the institution 3. Profile of the institution and programs (entrance criteria, status of the institution, typical and length of study) 4. Recommends the U.S. equivalent ...

    According to USCIS, “In cases involving foreign degrees, officers may favorably consider a credentials evaluation performed by an independent credentials evaluator who has provided a credible, logical, and well-documented case for such an equivalency determination that is based solely on the noncitizen’s foreign degree(s)” With that said, a private...

    In the list of 10 best foreign credential evaluation agencies, it reviewed and compared 10 trusted private credential evaluators. We suggest you to take a look and choose one that fits your best interest. The following video shows you how to do credential evaluation in USA. (How to do Credential Evaluation in USA, Alissa Lifestyle Vlog)

    It depends. Most credential evaluators do require you to mail the original documents to them, which can sometimes cause unwanted outcome: losing the documents. To avoid that situation, some agencies now can accept digital copies: you can just take a picture or scan the documents and send them to the agencies vis E-mail, such as American Education a...

    7 to 12 business days. In general, most credential evaluation services take at least one to two weeks to process after you pay. Even though they can provide rush services, we still recommend you to start everything as soon as possible to avoid any delaysfor you H1B or green card application.

    Typically, the price range for a degree evaluation is anywhere between $100 and $130. For a transcript evaluation, it is from $160 to $200. Depending on your budget and needs, contact the best fitfor credential evaluation services.

    In this article, we answered 10 common questions for your USCIS Approved Education Evaluation. As an experienced credential evaluator and being founded by an immigrant, we understand your pain so we hope they can smooth your immigration application process with USCIS Approved Education Evaluation. At American Education and Translation Services, we ...

  5. 2020年11月11日 · WES (World Education Services)是一個第三方文件認證機構,想要前往美國及加拿大念書的人可以透過WES進行學歷及成績認證,確認資料的真實性並轉換同等美國學歷及GPA分數。

  6. 因為移民局不認同美國學校系統以外的學校所發的學士學位,這些人士必須在美國移民局認可的機構進行學位鑒定 (Credential Evaluation)。 在通過學位鑒定之后得到一個至少等同美國的大學本科學位後,申請人才可以正式向移民局提出 H-1B 的申請。

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