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  1. 公務員學院舉辦首場「撮合南北:多極世界中的中國系列」講座. 2024年7月15日. 更多. 公務員事務局局長在立法會公務員及資助機構員工事務委員會會議就推廣公務員隊伍維持廉潔工作的開場發言. 2024年7月15日. 更多. 公務員事務局局長在立法會公務員及資助機構 ...

  2. The Regulations are supplemented and elaborated by Circulars and Circular Memoranda issued by the Civil Service Bureau. The Secretary for the Civil Service is authorised to amend, supplement, apply, interpret and make exceptions to the Regulations.

  3. Purpose. This circular announces the full roll-out of the Medical and Dental Benefits Eligibility Checking System (ECS) on 30 June 2008, and sets out the administrative arrangements for obtaining treatment at Government and Hospital Authority (HA) medical and dental facilities (designated facilities). 2.

  4. 2023年11月30日 · Photocopying charge of HK$1.5/page (Black and white copy on A4 size paper) or HK$1.6/page (Black and white copy on A3 size paper)

  5. 2021年5月21日 · The Civil Service Bureau (CSB) issued a circular to all policy bureaux and departments today (May 21), promulgating the requirement for government staff appointed on non-civil service terms on or after July 1, 2020, to sign a declaration.

  6. realistic performance goals down to individual staff at each level in a department. The purpose of performance appraisal is to record, review and monitor an officer’s performance; to identify the officer’s training and development needs, and any room for improvement; to facilitate the selection of officers for po.

  7. According to CSB Circular No. 5/2015, the probationary period of an officer issued with a verbal or written warning 9 should be extended for six months and one year respectively with financial loss 10.

  8. 工程條件:當中包括但不限於使用,形成,設置,停止使用,切割,實用服務等,傾倒,岩土工程提交,岩石破碎,錨固維護,道路和停車場,公共道路損壞,進入,退回,破壞或碎片 公共道路傾倒,排水渠,排水渠,排水渠,排水渠或明渠干擾,對渠道造成的損壞等等,與下水道,供水,沖洗水供應,現有水源,水廠,通風不良的連接 ,無混凝土生產,無開放燃燒,高度限制,圍欄,進入墳墓,消防設備和人員進出,提供消防設施和設備,危險品,敷設服務等。

  9. This circular announces revised guidelines for civil servants to declare private investments in and outside Hong Kong. Background. 2.

  10. This circular serves to remind all officers of the provisions in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) (“POBO”) against the acceptance of advantages without permission.

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