雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Snapshots. Administrators from universities in Shanghai visit Chung Chi. College Head and members of Standing Committee of the College’s Assembly of Fellows visited Guangzhou. Visit to Guohao College of Tongji University. Visiting alumnus in Canada.

  2. 崇基學院現招募二 二四/二 二五年度義務宿舍導師數名. 崇基快訊 / 申請. 1 Jul 2024. 崇基學院禮拜堂七月份主日崇拜. 逢週日 | 上午10:30 | 崇基學院禮拜堂. 崇基快訊 / 活動. 30 Jun 2024. 崇基學院 語文計劃專責小組 : 暑期海外語文學習資助計劃2024. 崇基快訊 / 活動.

  3. 首頁 | 崇基學院. Here, in Chung Chi… 升讀大學,你最期待的是甚麼? 參加交換計劃? 入住宿舍? 「上莊」? 認識志同道合的新朋友? 獎學金? 嘗試自己策劃活動? 加入崇基學院,超乎你所想! 崇基學院鼓勵學生多元發展,讓學生從體驗中學習與成長,並提倡文理兼備的教育,每年舉辦廣受同學歡迎的遊學團及海外學習計劃。 學院亦設立多個獎助學金及資助計劃,鼓勵崇基人發掘各類型的學習機會,期望同學擁有一個充實及多姿多彩的大學生活。 除了參加由書院舉辦的活動外,同學亦可自主籌辦學生活動,培育領袖才能。 崇基校園設計與大自然巧妙融合,為同學提供舒適的學習環境。 校園內有著名地標如未圓湖、崇基學院禮拜堂、崇基學生發展綜合大樓等。

  4. Chung Chi College was founded in 1951 by the Protestant Churches in Hong Kong to fill the need for a local institution of higher learning that would be both Chinese and Christian. The College has close ties with prestigious educational bodies in Europe and the United States.

  5. Chung Chi College aims to provide students whole person education with a broad and balanced development, promoting learning and growing through experiences. It also promotes general arts and science education, and implements study trips and study abroad programmes that are highly popular among the students.

  6. Mission. Chung Chi College emphasizes on whole personal development. We offer different schemes and programmes for students to search and develop their talent, enrich their global experiences and promote health and wellness. College Motto.

  7. 香港中文大學是一所研究型綜合大學,提供多類學士、碩士和博士課程。

  8. The only College in CUHK established the Service-Learning Centre Vision Integrating Christianity and Chinese cultures, the College endeavors to cultivate love for humanity, freedom and inclusiveness, nurture talents with insightful knowledge, liberal attitude and global horizon.

  9. Chung Chi has 10 student hostels, offering over 1,400 places. It takes only 5-20 minutes to walk from our hostels to the University MTR Station. Each hostel has its own characteristics; some are closer to the MTR Station while some provide easy access to the main campus.

  10. Each Year, over 500 scholarships and awards are granted to Chung Chi students who demonstrated outstanding achievements in different areas including academic, sports, creative pursuits, extra-curricular activities, community and College services.

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