雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.cse.cuhk.edu.hkCUHK CSE

    As the 1st computer science department in Hong Kong, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong currently hosts over 30 faculty members, including 1st Turing Award winner in Hong Kong, 7 ACM Fellows, 15 IEEE Fellows, and over 1035 students.

  2. The Computer Science programme (CS) was launched by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in 1978. The primary goal of the Computer Science programme is to prepare graduates to understand the field of computing and engineering with a global view of both the academic discipline and profession.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Ranked 37th in the world in Computer Science, the BEST in Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong is your natural choice in pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Science.

  5. The Computer Science (CSCIN) programme was launched by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering more than 40 years ago. It is accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) and has gained an international reputation for excellent research and teaching.

  6. www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk › people › facultyFaculty – CUHK CSE

    Choh-Ming Li Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Rich Media Human Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics, Visualization, AR/VR

  7. Launched in 1978, the Computer Science (CSCI) programme has gained an international reputation for its excellent research and teaching. The programme has wide coverage, including algorithms, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, computer and network security, database systems, machine learning and programming languages.

  8. 學生將在首學年結束時申報選擇計算機工程學 (CENG) 或 計算機科學 (CSCI)。. 本系將適當考慮學生喜好,儘量為學生提供所選課程。. 多年來,本學系在香港、美國和中國內地的計算機行業,建立龐大的校友網絡,令踏足職場的畢業生享有一定優勢。. 不少畢業生在 ...

  1. cuhk computer science 相關

  2. 校園參觀、體驗活動、升學講座及課程諮詢,搜羅最新課程資訊。歡迎學生及家長網上登記參加。 DSE考生必聽:11月9日文憑試考生升學貼士講座,VTC升學專家分享課程特色及多元升學路。

  3. These stories cover Bigfoot, Aliens & UFOs, Time and Dimensional travel stories. Dive into unexplained phenomena

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