雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Natural Chiffon 天然色彩 天然美味 Cupcake, Mini cupcake, Cupcake tower, Babyshower, Farewell, 100 Days, Wedding, Birthday, Candy Corner, Cookies, 百日宴, 散水餅.

  2. Welcome to Twelve Cupcakes HK, your go-to destination for delicious cupcakes, cookies, and bespoke cakes. We offer a wide variety of delectable treats including moist and flavourful cupcakes, scrumptious cookies, and beautifully crafted custom cakes. Our menu features a range of options, from classic flavours to unique creations, all made with ...

  3. 想搵香港嘅蛋糕推薦,Twinkle Baker Décor 絕對係你首選。 我哋有充滿熱誠同創意嘅蛋糕設計師,每個蛋糕都係精心設計嘅藝術品,由簡約風格、卡通造型到精緻夢幻嘅設計,都能帶俾你獨特嘅視覺體驗! Twinkle Baker Décor嘅蛋糕設計充滿玩味,首創將茶餐廳經典美食元素化身成菠蘿油、西多士等富有港式情懷嘅蛋糕,仲有壽桃、富士山同扭蛋機等造型有趣嘅蛋糕,每款都展現出無限創意同潮流風格。 蛋糕甜點口味、款式非常多元化,原個蛋糕、件裝蛋糕、散水餅、節日禮盒,嚟Twinkle Baker Décor訂購蛋糕甜點肯定可以滿足唔同人嘅需要同喜好。 訂購蛋糕好簡單,網店有齊所有蛋糕甜點嘅資料,俾你隨時隨地網上訂購。

  4. We offer a wide range of cupcakes in both regular size and bite size for people with different dietary requirements: gluten free, vegan, no added sugar, keto, refined sugar free, egg free etc. Filters. My Collection.

  5. Twelve Cupcakes (萬宜大廈) 的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 中環德輔道中60-68號萬宜大廈2樓204B號舖。.

  6. cake shop delivers your love | 為您送心思的餅店 | free delivery in hong kong

  7. Twinkle Baker Décor分店遍佈香港、九龍及新界,其中尖沙咀、旺角同銅鑼灣旗艦店位處於鬧市同港鐵沿線,有齊各式蛋糕、日常甜點,俾你輕輕鬆鬆咁體驗我哋優質嘅造型蛋糕同一流嘅客戶服務。 想起造型蛋糕、想起Twinkle嘅時候,隨時從門市地址中選擇最方便你嘅一間門市,揀選你鍾意嘅蛋糕款式,睇住實物親身感受我哋造型蛋糕有幾咁創意非凡。

  8. Best cupcakes in Hong Kong. Baking Maniac. This mother and son team bake up a storm, with mouth-watering creations all beautifully crafted from organic ingredients from all over the...

  9. 地址. 旺角西洋菜南街2A號銀城廣場地庫B66號舖. Shop B66, B/F, Ginza Plaza, 2A Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok. 港鐵油麻地站 A2 出口, 步行約4分鐘. 所有分店 (3) 電話號碼. 54016736. 開飯介紹. Natural Chiffon - Natural Ingredients Bakery 無人造色素、香精、蛋糕乳化劑等化學成份, 每 ...

  10. Twelve Cupcakes Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 17,357 likes · 6 talking about this · 952 were here. Leading Asian Cupcake Bakery - Moist & Fluffy Cupcakes - Sweet & Crunchy Cookies

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