雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Home - A co-ed independent boarding and day school in Wiltshire, Dauntsey’s provides an excellent all-round secondary education for boys and girls aged 11-18.

  2. 學校簡介. 建校於 1542 年,Dauntsey's School 位於英格蘭西南部校園佔地 150 英畝,風景如畫,滿溢典雅學術氣息。 學校的成績非常優異,十分受香港名校生歡迎學校,亦特別強調「歷奇(Adventure)學習」,香港歌手陳奕迅也是 Dauntsey's School 的畢業生之一。 獲視學報告高度評價. Dauntsey's School 在 2018 年官方視學報告(ISI)中取得「滿分」評級! 不僅在全數八項評核指標(包括教學質素、校舍及宿舍水平、學生福利等)達標,更在「學術成果」、「個人發展」兩大範疇獲得最佳評級「傑出(Excellent)」,學校質素具保證。

  3. Dauntsey's School is a public school ( fee-charging boarding and day school) for pupils aged 1118 in the village of West Lavington, Wiltshire, England. The school was founded in 1542 in accordance with the will of William Dauntesey, a master of the Worshipful Company of Mercers .

  4. Dauntsey’s is a leading co-educational boarding and day school for 11-18 year olds. Set in an estate of 150 acres of idyllic countryside, on the northern edge of Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, we offer some 860 pupils challenge and inspiration both inside and outside the classroom.

  5. Single Year Scheme. With this plan, parents are able to pay fees in advance for up to one year ahead only. The discount applied for the academic year commencing in September 2024 is 2.0%. Further information is given below and additional details can be obtained directly by contacting the Fees Manager, Angela Ready.

  6. Dauntsey’s is a leading co-educational boarding and day school for 11-18 year olds, set in a beautiful 150 acre estate in Wiltshire. Academic success is at the heart of all that the school does, but their ethos is about much more than exam grades.

  7. www.issc.com.hk › en › schooldatabaseDauntsey's School

    Dauntsey's School 是位於英國威爾特郡的一所傳統學校,一所男女同校寄宿和走讀學校。 學校始創於 1542 年,招收 11-18 歲的男女學生。 學校分為三個部分,包括 Lower School、Middle School 和 Sixth Form。 Dauntsey's School 坐落在風景如畫的 Vale of Pewsey 佔地 150 多英畝的莊園內,為約 860 名學生提供課堂內外的挑戰和靈感。 學校擁有一流的實驗室和教室外,還擁有壁球場、體育館、游泳池、網球場、攀岩牆、橄欖球、曲棍球、運動場、板球和足球場等。 藝術系設有攝影室、Dance studio 和 Design and technology workshops 等。

  8. Dauntsey’s School 是一所位於英格蘭西南部名校區的男女私校,佔地 150 畝,距離倫敦市中心 100 英里從學校附近的 Pewsey 站,有火車直達 Heathrow 和 Gatwick 機場。學校在 1542 年成立,並在 1895 年遷至現址。

  9. 2020年7月29日 · Dauntseys School位於英格蘭西南部內陸地區,校園廣闊,佔地150英畝,是英國著名的私立男女校。 學校四周環境優美,綠草如茵,鄰近有火車站Pewsey站,可直達Heathrow和Gatwick機場,而且距離倫敦一個半小時車程。

  10. 主頁 > 合作院校 > 中學部 > Dauntsey's School. 返回. Dauntsey's School. 聯絡我們. 關於香港教育資訊網. 公司榮譽. 海外院校排名下載. 海外升學指南下載. 課程費用參考.

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