雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 作詞:王詩安 / 五毒毒 / 羽田. 作曲:王詩安/ 羽田/ Tat Tong 唐達. 編曲:Tat Tong 唐達 / Diana Wang 王詩安. Dear diary. 太多情緒 忘了怎麼講. Dear diary. 如果你來寫我 我會是什麼樣. 窗外停留的那朵雲 從不一樣. My dear diary. 靈魂 作癢. 想寫 一首詩 讓愛我的. 才可能會懂得 去唱著 就足夠了. 就把過去 都拋向 遼闊的銀河. My dear diary. 多關心 我自己. I'll tr y to sleep. I'd rather sleep. Dear diary. 我和你都 被困在一個框. Dear diary. 掙脫外殼的桎梏 野一下去遊蕩. 像瘋了的一束光 無序張揚.

  2. To begin an entry they wouldn’t use “Dear Diary” instead they will place the date at the top of the page and just start writing. |a diary is a book where you write about how you feel or what you want to write. most of the people use "dear diary" before writing about

    • Yangyang Xi
    • CEO of Lang-8, Inc.
  3. 2021年8月12日 · How could writing a diary help you? 那我們寫英文日記需要去注意時態、連接詞、單字嘛? Do we need to practice tenses, linking words, using new vocabulary?

    • Overview
    • Brainstorming Topics
    • Creating Personal Entries
    • Getting into a Routine

    Diaries are wonderful objects that allow you to discuss your emotions, record dreams or ideas, and reflect on daily life in a safe, private space. While there's no single, definitive way to write a diary, there are some basic tricks you can use to get the most out of your writing. If you aren't sure what to write about, using prompts like inspirati...

    Write about the events of your day.

    Think about everything that happened that day and record any highlights or feelings that stand out to you. Even if you had a pretty standard day, you might be surprised by deeper thoughts and feelings that come up as you write down details about your day.

    Feel free to veer off into any topic you want as you're writing about the day's events.

    For example, you could write about the English exam you took at school that day. Are you feeling good about the exam? Do you wish you had studied more? Are you nervous to receive your grade?

    Contemplate your goals for the future and how to

    Make a list of your short-term and long-term goals. Then, go through each item on the list and write in detail about your plan to accomplish the goal. Breaking each goal up

    Write the date in the corner or on the first line.

    You may not write in your diary every day, so dating your entries can help you keep track of when things happened. Since you'll be writing in your diary over a long period of time, dates will also help you stay organized and provide context when you look back on your entries in the future.

    If you like, you can also put the time, day of the week, and your location alongside the date.

    Begin each entry with a topic in mind.

    Most people reach for their diary when they have something they want to get down on paper or think about. This could be anything—something that happened that day, a dream you had, future plans, an event, an idea, or strong emotion or mood you're feeling.

    Once you start writing, you're free to veer off into any subject you like! But having something in mind when you start the entry can help kickstart the writing process.

    Choose a specific time each day to write in your diary.

    Many people struggle to find the time to write in their diary. Others simply forget to write. It helps to choose a specific time each day for diary writing so that you can develop the habit. Eventually, it will become second nature, but it can help to

    on your phone until then!

    For example, you might choose to write in your diary every night right before bed.

    Don't set an unrealistic schedule for yourself. If writing every day seems out of reach, plan on writing entry 3 times a week instead.

    Keep your writing sessions short in the beginning.

  4. Dear Diary名人日記集. 收錄作家、藝術家、音樂家等名人日記,包括超現實主義大師達利、著名作家喬治•歐威爾和路易莎•奧科特、科學家達爾文、親歷二戰的猶太少女安妮•法蘭克、Nirvana樂隊主音歌手科特•柯本……成名背後,埋藏了甚麼曲折經歷?. 收錄 ...

  5. 2017年11月19日 · 何を書いていいか分からない子供向けに、「日記さん宛てに思いを書いてご覧」というところから、「Dear Diary日記さんへ)」と手紙風なわけです。. なお、Urban Dictionaryには、この「 Dear Diary 」の面白い定義が載ってましたので紹介:. 何を書いて ...

  6. 主題曲「Dear Diary」是抒情的歌曲,主題是相信愛與信任可以照亮並改變世界。 劇中曲「Fighter」是一首積極強烈的舞曲,是以上部電影女主角彌海砂(戶田惠梨香主演)的角度,表達為愛不惜犧牲的感情。

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